Torborg Nedreaas Nothing Grows by Moonlight recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Noorse roman uit 1947. Op 6 maart 2025 verschijnt bij Penguin Classics de Engelse vertaling van de roman Av måneskinn gror det ingenting van de uit Noorwegen afkomstige schrijfster Torborg Nedreaas. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.
Torborg Nedreaas Nothing Grows by Moonlight recensie en informatie
- “Nothing Grows by Moonlight is a novel as beautiful and affecting as its title suggests. The book’s themes will resonate with readers as much today as it did in 1947. It is masterful in the balancing of story and atmosphere and powerful enough that your heart aches increasingly with each page. It has become a firm favourite and a story I will never forget.” (Emily Slapper)
- “It’s fantastic, it’s incredible.” (Pedro Almodóvar)
Nothing Grows by Moonlight
- Auteur: Torborg Nedreaas (Noorwegen)
- Soort boek: Noorse roman
- Origineel: Av måneskinn gror det ingenting (1947)
- Engelse vertaling: Bibi Lee
- Uitgever: Penguin Classics
- Verschijnt: 6 maart 2025
- Omvang: 208 pagina’s
- Uitgave: paperback / ebook/ luisterboek
- Prijs: £ 12,99 / £ 9,99 / £ 14.00
- Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Boekhandel / Bol
Flaptekst van de roman uit 1947 van de Noorse schrijfster Torborg Nedreaas
In the blue dusk of a spring evening, a man is drawn to a lonely, beautiful stranger across a station platform. She follows him home, and over one heady night of wine and cigarettes, recounts to him the devastating story of her life . . .
First published in 1947, Nothing Grows by Moonlight tells the haunting tale of one woman’s soul-shattering love affair. When an obsessive passion for her high school teacher consumes a small-town seventeen-year-old, her life spirals out of control, giving way to pregnancy, poverty and alienation. Here, darkness and light converge, and unrequited love blooms against the shadows of societal injustices, as she fights for autonomy: over her life, her mind and her body.
Captivating, visceral and brimming with emotion, Nothing Grows by Moonlight is a feminist classic of Scandinavian literature, and an uncompromising ode to female desire.
Torborg Nedreaas was born in Bergen, Norway on 13 November 1906. She was one of the most acclaimed writers of the post-war era. A committed communist, she was heavily involved in women’s advocacy, and her many award-winning novels, short stories, essays and radio plays propelled her radical ideas to a wide audience. On 30 June 1987 she died in Nesodden, Norway, 80 years of age.