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Victoria Amelina – Looking at Women, Looking at War

Victoria Amelina Looking at Women, Looking at War recensie, review en informatie boek van de Oekraïense schrijfster die op 1 juli 2023 overleed door een Russische raketaanval. Op 13 februari 2025 verschijnt bij William Collins het boek van de uit Oekraïne afkomstige schrijfster Victoria Amelina. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.

Victoria Amelina Looking at Women, Looking at War recensie, review en informatie

  • “Victoria’s moral clarity, determination, and love of country impressed me greatly. She now joins the ranks of those whose lives have been cut short by war, their truncated careers the source of what-if musings forever afterward. In Victoria’s case, I feel certain that her legacy, and her words, will endure, infusing a contemporary, combustive element to the Ukrainians’ growing sense of identity and nationhood.” (Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker)
  • “Victoria Amelina had a way of walking straight into your heart and making herself at home there.” (Lia Mills, The Dublin Review of Books)

Victoria Amelina Looking at Women, Looking at War

Looking at Women, Looking at War

A War and Justice Diary

  • Auteur: Victoria Amelina (Oekraïne)
  • Voorwoord: Margaret Atwood
  • Soort boek: Oekraïens oorlogsdagboek
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: William Collins
  • Verschijnt: 13 februari 2025
  • Omvang: 320 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook / luisterboek
  • Prijs: £ 20,00 / £ 12,99 / £ 16,99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van het boek over de Oekraïne-oorlog van Victoria Amelina

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Victoria Amelina was busy writing a novel, taking part in the country’s literary scene, and parenting her son. Then she became someone new: a war crimes researcher and the chronicler of extraordinary women like herself who joined the resistance. These heroines include Evgenia, a prominent lawyer turned soldier, Oleksandra, who documented tens of thousands of war crimes and won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2022, and Yulia, a librarian who helped uncover the abduction and murder of a children’s book author.

Everyone in Ukraine knew that Amelina was documenting the war. She photographed the ruins of schools and cultural centers; she recorded the testimonies of survivors and eyewitnesses to atrocities. And she slowly turned back into a storyteller, writing what would become this book.

On the evening of June 27th, 2023, Amelina and three international writers stopped for dinner in the embattled Donetsk region. Whena Russian cruise missile hit the restaurant, Amelina suffered grievous head injuries, and lost consciousness. She died on July 1st. She was thirty-seven. She left behind an incredible account of the ravages of war and the cost of resistance. Honest, intimate, and wry, this book will be celebrated as a classic.

Victoria Amelina is geboren op 1 januari 1986 in Lviv, Oekraïne. Ze was romanschrijster en onderzoeker van oorlogsmisdaden tijdens de door Vladimir Poetin begonnen Oekraïne-oorlog. Op 1 juli 2023 overleed ze in de Oekraïense stad Dnipro, slechts 37 jaar oud, aan de verwondingen van een Russische raketaanval.

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