Tag archieven: Vagabond Voices

Corrado Alvaro – Fear in the World

Corrado Alvaro Fear in the World recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Italiaanse roman uit 1938. Op deze pagina lees je uitgebreide informatie over de roman L’uomo è forte van de uit Italië afkomstige schrijver Corrado Alvaro. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman en over de schrijver. Een Nederlandse vertaling is op dit moment niet verkrijgbaar.

Corrado Alvaro Fear in the World recensie en informatie

Als er in de media een boekbespreking, review of recensie verschijnt van de roman uit 1938 Fear in the World van de Italiaanse schrijver Corrado Alvaro, dan besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.

Corrado Alvaro Fear in the World

Fear in the World

  • Auteur: Corrado Alvaro (Italië)
  • Soort boek: Italiaanse roman
  • Origineel: L’uomo è forte (1938)
  • Engelse vertaling: Allan Cameron
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Omvang: 295 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon 

Flaptekst van de roman uit 1938 van Corrado Alvaro

Corrado Alvaro’s Fear in the World was published a decade before Orwell’s 1984, but is not well known outside Italy, perhaps because of the timing of the publication just before the Second World War. Alvaro had visited the Soviet Union as a journalist, but was probably motivated to write this dystopian novel by aspects of modernity that concerned him, particularly the use of fear for political purposes, not only in the Russia. He is interested in the psychology of fear and the extent to which individuals and the crowd participate in their own regimentation.

The names of countries, cities and leading political figures such as Corrado Alvaro L'uomo è forteStalin are never referred to, but as in the works Orwell, they are clearly there from the descriptions: the author was writing in a Fascist country against a Fascist censor and had to cut his cloth accordingly. This is a dark novel, not quite as dark as 1984, but it is more claustrophobic. The feel of inevitability is there from the first page, and it is experienced as we do in real life. The imagined takes us closer to where we really are.

There is a love affair at the core of this novel, which is the cause of their problems, or quite possibly perceived by the lovers as the cause and therefore became the cause. The modern Leviathan appears to be a well-oiled machine, but towards the end it becomes clear that this is merely an appearance of efficiency and omniscience, but appearances can be powerful.

Alvaro is particularly interested in how the state uses quasi-religious mechanisms and rituals to assert its power. The central character returns to the country after a long period abroad, and see things initially through foreign eyes, living a life similar to the one Alvaro did when in Russia. He is not a natural rebel, and very much wants to fit in, but it seems difficult to achieve. The regime boasts that it has an ally in history, but destiny is elusive, however much the characters feel that they are driven by it.

Corrado Alvaro was born in San Luca, Calabria on 15 April 1895, the son of a primary school teacher. When he was ten, he was sent to the Jesuit College in Frascati where he mixed with sons of the upper circles. In 1910 he was expelled for reading a banned work, Carducci’s Hymn to Satan, but he was already well-read and had studied avidly, even producing his first poetry. He had completed his studies in Calabria, and enlisted in the army in 1915, only to be badly wounded in 1916. He then embarked on his precocious career as a journalist, rising to editor of Il Resto del Carlino and then moving to Milan to work for Corriere dells Sera in 1919. In 1921 he became the foreign correspondent of Amendola’s Il Mondo in Paris, and in 1925 he signed Benedetto Croce’s Manifesto of the Antifascist Intellectuals. His literary career advanced until 1951, when he won Italy’s most prestigious literary prize, the Premio Strega, with his novel Almost a Life. In 1954, he was taken ill with stomach cancer which spread to his lungs, and on 11 juni 1956 he died at his home in Rome where he left behind several unfinished novels.

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Magnus Florin – Circulation

Magnus Florin Circulation recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de Zweedse roman uit 2001. Op 16 september 2024 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman Cirkulation van de uit Zweden afkomstige schrijver Magnus Florin. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman van Magnus Florin is niet verkrijgbaar.

Magnus Florin Circulation recensie, review en informatie

Als er in de media een bokbespreking, review of recensie verschijnt van de roman Circulation van de Zweedse schrijver Magnus Florin, dan besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.

Magnus Florin Circulation


  • Auteur: Magnus Florin (Zweden)
  • Soort boek: Zweedse roman
  • Origineel: Cirkulation (2001)
  • Engelse vertaling: Harry Watson
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschijnt: 16 september 2024
  • Omvang: 122 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Prijs: £ 7,95
  • Boek bestellen >

Flaptekst van de roman uit 2001 van de Zweedse schrijver Magnus Florin

The bank. The bank is greyness and the monotony of modern working practices. The bank is modernity and its obsession with moving money around. The bank is perverse and its mechanisms unknown even to those who work there. The bank is a place where an employee can go quietly insane in the bowels of the building. The bank is an inhumane human creation, a monster whose needs do not coincide with those of its customers and employees. The bank is extraordinary, a metaphysical entity that cannot be understood or explained… except perhaps through the equally extraordinary pared-down prose of Magnus Florin, a writer who explains through suggestiveness the inscrutable paradoxes of the way we live now.

In spite of their brevity, Florin’s books are novels and not novellas because, like the Tardis, when you enter them you enter a much wider space than you expected. They suggest a myriad of ideas, and you are left guessing where he is going to take you next.

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Andrejs Upits – Gold

Andrejs Upits Gold recensie en informatie roman uit 1914 over Letland onder het tsaristische Russische bewind. Op 16 september 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman Zelts van de uit Letland afkomstige schrijver Andrejs Upīts. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver, de vertaler en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman uit Letland is niet verkrijgbaar.

Andrejs Upits Gold recensie en informatie

Als er in de media een boekbespreking, review of recensie verschijnt van Gold, de roman uit 1914 van de Letse schrijver Andrejs Upīts, besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.

Andrejs Upits Gold


  • Auteur: Andrejs Upīts (Letland)
  • Soort boek: Letse roman
  • Origineel: Zelts (1914)
  • Engelse vertaling: Uldis Balodis
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschijnt: 16 september 2024
  • Omvang: 122 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Prijs: £12,50
  • Boek bestellen >

Flaptekst van de roman Gold van de Letse schrijver Andejs Upits

Andrejs Upīts’s classic novel Gold, set in Latvia still under Tsarist rule and on the brink of the First World War, is perhaps more topical in recent decades than it has been for a long time. In fact it was dusted off in the 1990s precisely because of its description of how society behaves in untrammelled free markets. The poor and hardworking Sveilis family suddenly inherit great wealth, and this leads them on a journey in which desire and disappointment are always in control, and the author avoids many of the readers’ expectations and all stock narratives.

Upīts is forensic in his naturalistic analysis of a society contending with extremes of both wealth and poverty, and how this is undermining what is left of a moral society. High on a bull market and a flood of quality alcohol, the nouveau riche are in expansive mood but what they experience is not happiness but jaded insatiability ultimately stronger than they are. These hellraisers and presumed winners in the struggle for wealth are the subject of this highly original novel, and the losers are barely mentioned except in its brief first section. The pace and the detailed observation of psychological developments carries readers along through a narrative whose power resides in its lack of moralism. They are left to make their own judgements.

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Allan Cameron – A Woman’s War against Progress

Allan Cameron A Woman’s War against Progress recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Siberië roman. Op 2 oktober 2023 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de roman van de Britse schrijver Allan Cameron. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Allan Cameron A Woman’s War against Progress recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman A Woman’s War against Progress. Het boek is geschreven door Allan Cameron. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de nieuwe roman van de Britse auteur Allan Cameron.

Allan Cameron A Woman’s War against Progress Siberie roman

A Woman’s War against Progress

  • Auteur: Allan Cameron (Engeland)
  • Soort boek: Siberië roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschijnt: 2 oktober 2023
  • Omvang: 390 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon

Flaptekst van de Siberie roman van Allan Cameron

The Surelikud are a minority people living near or in the Siberian Forest, and against the backdrop of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, it is their culture Rahväema Ranavutavskaya becomes involved in the struggle to maintain. Her career takes her to the leadership of the movement twice and is full of reversals and distractions – including two unhappy marriages – that alienate her not only from her family but from the very people for whom she is battling. She is imperious, but her imperiousness is measured and modest. She is resilient, and on the point of near-complete defeat she has been able to achieve enormous success, though at no small cost to her and her cause.

Now Rahväema is dictating her novel to “the scribe”: a younger campaigner who is both friend and bitter rival keen to replace her as leader. This methodology creates a degree of spontaneity and a generational dialogue between her and the scribe. She is writing with a purpose, not purely for her own posterity but mainly for a new understanding she has developed in old age – one that is as universalist as her former campaigns were focused solely on the Surelikud. But Rahväema is not a reliable narrator, as she herself sometimes appears to suggest, and her story leaves many questions. Who are this Halvatud and Kurat that she alludes to throughout her story, if they exist? Is she playing with civilisation’s concept of good and evil, saying that only when we are surrounded by evil do we have to have recourse to the idea of goodness?

To some degree this is a political novel, but much more than that it is a novel about political activism: its sacrifices, its perilous nature, and its tendency in success to corrupt and undermine an activist’s sense of self.

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A.H. Tammsaare – Indrek Roman uit Estland

A.H. Tammsaare Indrek Roman uit Estland recensie en informatie over de inhoud deel twee in de romancyclus. Op 19 september 2022 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Vagabond Voice de Engelse vertaling van de roman Tõde ja õigus II van de Estische schrijver A.H. Tammsaare. Er is behalve de uitgave uit 1941 geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verschenen.

A.H. Tammsaare Indrek Roman uit Estland recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van Indrek, Truth and Justice II, de Engelse vertaling van de Estische roman uit 1929. Het boek is geschreven door A. H. Tammsaare. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van deze roman uit Estland, geschreven door de Estische schrijver Anton Hansen Tammsaare.

A.H. Tammsaare Indrek Roman uit Estland Recensie


Truth and Justice II

  • Schrijver: A.H. Tammsaare (Estland)
  • Soort boek: Estische roman
  • Origineel: Tõde ja õigus II (1929)
  • Engelse vertaling: Chris Moseley, Matthew Hyde
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschijnt: 19 september 2022
  • Omvang: 480 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback

Flaptekst van de roman uit 1929 van A.H. Tammsaare

This second volume of A.H. Tammsaare’s monumental pentalogy portrays the education of Indrek who emerges here as the protagonist and will remain so throughout the next three volumes.

The author writes with his trademark wit and deep understanding of human nature, and we find ourselves in the company of a vast gallery of larger-than-life characters who jostle, scheme and argue over both trivialities and the great issues of the human condition. They may do the latter out of their own intellectual narcissism or simply for the joy of debate, but the ensuing dialogues rival those of the great Russian novelists.

Indrek is the story of moving to the polyglot city and abandoning the countryside which at that time was the heartland of the Estonian language. This new environment is a vortex of prejudices and national rivalries nevertheless held together in practice by a strange and very human tolerance.

The boarding school is as dysfunctional as any Dickensian one, but it is a great deal more benevolent. Russians, Germans, Poles, Latvians and Caucasians mix with the Estonian majority, and somehow compromises are nearly always arrived at in spite of – or possibly because of – some extraordinary theatrics, in which Mr Maurus must outperform not only all the other characters in the book but all other celebrated headmasters created by European literature over the centuries. Indrek not only has to come to terms with this world so utterly unsuited to his shy and innocent rural upbringing, but he also has to deal with his first encounters with love and death.

A.H. Tammsaare Vargamäe Roman uit Estland A.H. Tammsaare (Estland) – Vargamäe
Truth and Justice I
Estlandse roman
Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
Verschijnt: 19 mei 2019

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Mari Saat – The Saviour of Lasnamäe

Mari Saat The Saviour of Lasnamäe recensie en informatie roman uit Estland. In 2015 verscheen bij uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de bekroonde roman Lasnamäe lunastaja van de Estlandse schrijfster Mari Saat. De roman is niet in het Nederlands vertaald.

Mari Saat The Saviour of Lasnamäe recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman The Saviour of Lasnamäe. Het boek is geschreven door Mari Saat. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de bekroonde roman uit 2008 van de Estische schrijfster M<ari Saat.

Mari Saat The Saviour of Lasnamäe Roman uit Estland

The Saviour of Lasnamäe

  • Schrijfster: Mari Saat (Estland)
  • Soort boek: Estlandse roman
  • Origineel: Lasnamäe lunastaja (2008)
  • Engelse vertaling: Susan Wilson
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschenen: 30 november 2015
  • Omvang: 142 pagina’s
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van Mari Saat

Natalya Filippovna may be a middle-aged, single mother and member of the Russian minority in Estonia, but she is content with her simple life. She has a flat, a job at an electronics factory and, most importantly, she has her bright and ambitious teenaged daughter, Sofia. Money is tight, but they make do — that is, until Sofia requires a lengthy, expensive dental procedure and Natalya loses her job. With bills piling up and Sofia’s dental procedure only part finished, Natalya reluctantly accepts an undesirable mode of income. As she and Sofia adjust to their changing situations, Natalya falls for a mysterious, kind man, and her life takes yet another unexpected turn.

The Saviour of Lasnamäe won the Estonian Cultural Endowment’s Prize for Literature in 2008.

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Magnus Florin – Siblings

Magnus Florin Siblings recensie en informatie Zweedse roman. Op 8 maart 2021 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van Syskonen van de Zweedse schrijver Magnus Florin, de novelle die oorspronkelijk verscheen in 1998.

Magnus Florin Siblings recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden de roman Siblings. Het boek is geschreven door Magnus Florin. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de novelle uit 1998 van de Zweedse schrijver Magnus Florin.

Magnus Florin Siblings Recensie


  • Schrijver: Magnus Florin (Zweden)
  • Soort boek: Zweedse roman
  • Origineel: Syskonen (1998)
  • Engelse vertaling: Harry Watson
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschijnt: 8 maart 2021
  • Omvang: 98 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback 

Flaptekst van de roman van de Zweedse schrijver Magnus Florin

His late father owned the Lion pharmacy in Lund, and he followed in his father’s footsteps, persuading his nine younger siblings to follow his example and to accept his tutelage. But, like the naturalist Linnæus in the same author’s “The Garden”, the anonymous narrator finds that other people have minds and aspirations of their own and are determined to go their own way. He abandons pharmacy for the law, trying again to take his siblings with him, but again they rebel and follow their own destinies, even landing in prison in some cases.

Florin’s deadpan narration conceals a wicked sense of humor and a bent for satire at the expense of some of society’s sacred cows. At a time when Swedish fiction tends to be synonymous with “Nordic noir”, this author’s literate, witty and quirky short novels deserve to be better known in the English-speaking world.

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Pauls Bankoviskis – 18

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze oorlogsroman uit Letland uit 2014. In 2017 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman 18 van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar.

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 Roman uit Letland

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de Letse roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog, 18. Het boek is geschreven door Pauls Bankoviskis. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 2014 van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis.

Pauls Bankoviskis 18 Roman uit Letland


  • Schrijver: Pauls Bankoviskis (Letland)
  • Soort boek: Letse roman, oorlogsroman
  • Origineel: 18 (2014)
  • Engelse vertaling: Ieva Lešinska
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschenen: 26 september 2017
  • Omvang: 186 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback

Flaptekst van de roman van de Letse schrijver Pauls Bankoviskis

Whilst visiting their holiday home in the country, a family discovers a digital camera in the pocket of their grandfather’s overcoat. As their grandfather was well past taking photos or even travelling to the country at the time digital cameras became available, its presence in his pocket, stored in an old leather case no less, is mysterious – almost as mysterious as the images on the camera: pictures that he couldn’t possibly have taken; pictures of the country home from impossible angles, all of which seem to contain blurry, illuminated suggestions of a humanoid shape.

Nearly a century earlier, amidst the chaos wrought by the Russian Revolution, a Latvian soldier deserts his post and travels the country by foot, recording his many strange experiences in a small journal that he keeps hidden in his boot. His encounters with various characters lead him to develop theories on space, time, freedom, and what it means to be human. He wonders, what if time is layered, like a stack of pancakes? And what if a tree, with roots and branches that grow expansively in every direction, in fact enjoys an ideal, perfectly balanced sort of freedom?

The backdrop of this novel is a pivotal moment in Latvian history, however, its scope is much broader. Bankovskis’s story presents a wonderful exploration of what it means to be human, and the ways in which civilisation’s many products can alienate us from the natural world and from ourselves, and simultaneously drive us back into nature’s embrace.

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Rein Raud – The Death of the Perfect Sentence

Rein Raud The Death of the Perfect Sentence recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze roman over Estland aan het einde van de Sovjet-Unie. In 2017 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman Mustvalge van de Estische schrijver Rein Raud. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar.

Rein Raud The Death of the Perfect Sentence Roman uit Estland

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de Estische roman over het einde van de Sovjet-Unie, The Deaths of the Perfect Sentence. Het boek is geschreven door Rein Raud. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 2015 van de Estische schrijver Rein Raud.

Rein Raud The Death of the Perfect Sentence

The Death of the Perfect Sentence

  • Schrijver: Rein Raud (Estland)
  • Soort boek: Estische roman, spionageroman
  • Origineel: Mustvalge (2015)
  • Engelse vertaling: Matthew Hyde
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschenen: 2017
  • Omvang: 194 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback / Ebook

Flaptekst van de roman van Rein Raud

This thoughtful spy novel cum love story is set mainly in Estonia during the dying days of the Soviet Union, but also in Russia, Finland and Sweden. A group of young pro-independence dissidents devise an elaborate scheme for smuggling copies of KGB files out of the country, and their fates become entangled, through family and romantic ties, with the security services never far behind them.

Through multiple viewpoints the author evokes the curious minutiae of everyday life, offers wry observations on the period through personal experience, and asks universal questions about how interpersonal relationships are affected when caught up in momentous historical changes.

This sometimes wistful examination of how the Estonian Republic was reborn after a long and stultifying hiatus speaks also of the courage and complex chemistry of those who pushed against a regime whose then weakness could not have been known to them.

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Antanas Škėma – White Shroud

Antanas Škėma White Shroud recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze roman uit Litouwen uit 1958. In 2018 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Vagabond Voices de Engelse vertaling van de roman Balta drobulė van de Litouwse schrijver Antanas Škėma. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar. Wel is er een Duitse vertaling, Das weiße Leintuch, die 2017 is uitgegeven

Antanas Škėma White Shroud Roman uit Litouwen

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman White Shroud. Het boek is geschreven door Antanas Škėma. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 1958 van de Litouwse schrijver Antanas Škėma.

Antanas Škėma White Shroud Roman uit Litouwen

White Shroud

  • Schrijver:  Antanas Škėma (Litouwen)
  • Soort boek: Litouwse roman
  • Origineel: Balta drobulė (1958)
  • Engelse vertaling: Karla Gruodis
  • Uitgever: Vagabond Voices
  • Verschenen: 1 maart 2018
  • Uitgave: Paperback

Flaptekst van de roman van de Litouwse schrijver Antanas Škėma

White Shroud (Balta drobulė, 1958) is considered by many as the most important work of modernist fiction in Lithuanian. Drawing heavily on the author’s own refugee and immigrant experience, this psychological, stream-of-consciousness work tells the story of an émigré poet working as an elevator operator in a large New York hotel during the mid-1950s. Using multiple narrative voices and streams, the novel moves through sharply contrasting settings and stages in the narrator’s life in Lithuania before and during World War II, returning always to New York and the recent immigrant’s struggle to adapt to a completely different, and indifferent, modern world. Strong characters and evocative utterances convey how historical context shapes language and consciousness, breaking down any stable sense of self.

As in other major modernist works, Škėma uses language and allusion to destabilise. Narrative, voice and language shift continuously, capturing the anti-hero’s psychological and cultural disorientation — the complexity of experience in a modern world where, in Yeats’ words, “the centre cannot hold.” Like the author’s, Garšva’s frame of reference is vast — quotes from French arias, Kafka and American culture collide with visceral memories of archaic Lithuanian folk song. Garšva’s use of poignant and comical émigré slang in his interactions captures the ironies and absurdities of the immigrant’s situation. By the end of the novel, further grammatical and linguistic disarray mirrors the final unravelling of Garšva’s mind as he descends into madness.

Like all powerful fiction, this novel draws the reader into an intimate, culturally and historically specific world to explore universal human themes of selfhood, alienation, creativity and cultural difference. This English translation promises to appeal to various audiences: readers of modernist and world literature, scholars of Baltic literature and refugee studies, and members of the Lithuanian diaspora unable to access this novel in Lithuanian. Written from the perspective of a newcomer to an Anglophone country, White Shroud encourages readers to better understand the complexities of immigrant life.

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