Siburapha Behind the Painting recensie en informatie van de Thaise roman uit 1937. Op 10 oktober 2024 verschijnt bij Penguin Classics de Engelse vertaling van de roman ข้างหลังภาพ van de uit Thailand afkomstige schrijver Siburapha. Hier lees je informatie van de inhoud van de roman, over de auteur en van de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.
Siburapha Behind the Painting recensie, review en informatie
Als er in de media een boekbespreking, review of recensie verschijnt van de roman Behind the Painting van de Thaise schrijver Siburapha, dan besteden we er hier aandacht aan.
Behind the Painting
- Auteur: Siburapha (Thailand)
- Soort boek: Thaise roman
- Origineel: ข้างหลังภาพ (1937)
- Engelse vertaling: David Smyth
- Uitgever: Penguin Classics
- Verschijnt: 10 oktober 2024
- Omvang: 128 pagina’s
- Prijs: £ 9,99 / £ 5,99
- Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol
Flaptekst van de roman van de Thaise schrijver Siburapha
Nopporn, a Thai student studying in Japan, is tasked with hosting a distinguished old family friend and his new wife, the beautiful, aristocratic Kirati. Despite their difference in age and status, and the social constraints of the day, Nopporn and Kirati are inexorably drawn to each other. A stirring portrayal of youthful romantic obsession, and later attempts to come to terms with the frailty of once-passionate feelings, Behind the Painting also affords an intimate insight into the sterile existence endured by many women of high social status at the time.
First published in 1937, the novel has been reprinted more than fifty times in Thailand and has twice been adapted for film as well as a musical.
Kulap Saipradit was born 31 March 1905 in Bangkok, Thailand. He is better known by his pen name Siburapha, was a prominent newspaper editor and novelist. A vocal critic of the military rulers of the day, he was imprisoned on two occasions and spent the last sixteen years of his life in exile in China. He died 16 June 1974, aged 68 in Beijing, China.