Tag archieven: Open Letter Books

Jana Egle – Birthday

Jana Egle Birthday recensie, review en informatie boek met verhalen van de uit Letland afkomstige schrijfster. Op 18 maart 2025 verschijnt bij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van Dzimšanas diena de verhalenbundel van de Letse schrijfster Jana Egle. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.

Jana Egle Birthday recensie, review en informatie

  • “Egle’s observations are proof positive that, often, not even our imaginations can keep up with the shocking and unbelievable situations real life throws at us.” (LSM.lv)

Jana Egle Birthday


  • Auteur: Jana Egle (Letland)
  • Soort boek: verhalen
  • Origineel: Dzimšanas diena (2020)
  • Engelse vertaling: Uldis Balodis
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 18 maart 2025
  • Omvang: 200 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 15,95
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van het boek met verhalen van de Letse schrijfster Jana Egle

“Laine looks at the attractive man sitting across from her and can’t decide: does she like his forwardness or not? But she’s been single for so long, maybe it’s worth trying again. Her husband left over ten years ago, and she hasn’t really dated since . . . If this one doesn’t work out either, then she’ll keep living like she has been—but if it does work out? Severīns notices her lingering stare, and his lips once again stretch out at the corners. It must really be his smile, then. She likes it better when he doesn’t smile.”

Eight stories, eight women, an emotional multitude. In her short-story collection, Birthday, Jana Egle distinctly straps the male presence into the back seat and lets the female voice ring free. Not to be taken as “a book for women” or “women’s literature,” the themes and situations in Birthday present a familiar, yet uneasy, vantage point for any reader, regardless of personal, real-life experience.

A design-firm employee who finds herself dating a potential sociopath, a woman suffering a terrible loss and having to find the strength to ask for help, the navigation of a mental health crisis, the fears of old age, revisitng a past love—Egle explores these universal themes, and more, with a scalding, narrative realism that leaves your skin crawling and your mind begging for more.

Jana Egle is geboren in 1963 in Letland. Ze is dichter en schrijver. Haar verhalenbundel Gaismā [In het licht] won in 2017 de Letse Literatuurprijs. Egle beschouwt songwriting ook als een groot deel van de literaire traditie en neemt actief deel aan de bardenbeweging in Letland. Haar verhaal ‘The Quarry’ werd gepubliceerd in het online nummer van Words Without Borders van februari 2018. Verjaardag is haar vierde boek.

Bijpassende boeken en informatie

Andris Kuprišs – Berlin

Andris Kuprišs Berlin recensie, review en informatie van de inhoud van het boek met verhalen van de uit Letland afkomstige schrijver. Op 11 maart 2025 verschijnt bij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de verhalenbundel Berlin van de Letse schrijver Andris Kuprišs. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Andris Kuprišs Berlin recensie, review en informatie

  • “Berlin uses laconic simplicity to mask that which is painful—and uses the ironic awareness of that pain to mask that which is even more painful.” (Newspaper Diena)

Andris Kuprišs Berlin


  • Auteur: Andris Kuprišs (Letland)
  • Soort boek: verhalen, debuut
  • Origineel: Berlin (2019)
  • Engelse vertaling: Ian Gwin
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 11 maart 2025
  • Omvang: 160 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 15,95
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van het boek van de Letse schrijver Andris Kuprišs

“Berlin is a sad city, but it’s a sadness you don’t see. It’s like having heavy metals slowly build up in your body. You can spend a few days, weeks, months, or even years here and never notice how heavy your heart has become.”

A little boy who is afraid of telephones; a woman recounting to her lover her recent sexual assault; a man wondering what would happen if he woke up each morning nine minutes earlier than he had the morning before; a student who is plied by his German teacher with glass after glass of cheap wine . . .

The protagonists of Andris Kurprišs’s debut collection are at times melancholy and worrisome, and world-angry or absurdist at others. Kuprišs plays with tension, a building up to climaxes reminiscent of Henry James—but with endings that leave a lingering sense of having missed some important detail, some sinister clue that will reveal all meaning. Deceptively simple, nostalgic, and resigned, Kurprišs’s characters show how it can be just as hard to arrive somewhere (physical or intangible) as it can be to leave.

Andris Kuprišs is in 1982 geboren in Letland. Hij is schrijver en vertaler. Hij studeerde journalistiek aan de Universiteit van Letland en behaalde een MA in fotografie aan de Goldsmiths University of London. Berlin is zijn literaire debuut.

Bijpassende boeken en informatie

Laura Vinogradova – The River

Laura Vinogradova The River recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de roman uit Letland. Op 4 maart 2025 verschijnt bij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de Upe van de Letse schrijfster Laura Vinogradova die er in 2021 de Europese Literatuurprijs voor ontving. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Laura Vinogradova The River recensie, review en informatie

  • “Laura Vinogradova . . . sets the reader-gently, but without dawdling-in a bend in the river where everything we don’t want to acknowledge comes floating to the surface.” (Newspaper Diena)

Laura Vinogradova The River

The River

  • Auteur: Laura Vinogradova (Letland)
  • Soort boek: Letse roman
  • Engelse vertaling: Kaija Straumanis
  • Origineel: Upe (2020)
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 4 maart 2025
  • Omvang: 140 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Prijs: € 15,95
  • Winnaar Europese Literatuurprijs 2021
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de roman van de Letse schrijfster Laura Vinogradova

“Sis, I want to tell you about the river. About me in the river. It makes me shiver, tremble. It makes me laugh. It’s been so long since I’ve felt this alive . . .”

Rute is no stranger to loss. As a child she and her older sister, Dina, were subject to their mother’s romantic whims, moving from house to house, boyfriend to boyfriend. Then, when the sisters were in their late twenties, Dina disappeared. In the decade that has since passed, Rute has become a husk of her former self, going through the motions in work, life, and love, composing daily letters to Dina in the hopes they’ll one day see each other again.

When the sisters’ biological father, Jūle, dies, Rute unexpectedly inherits his country property. Curious about this man she’s never really known, she takes the opportunity to flee the city, the people, herself. But once in the countryside she meets Matilde, the young, single mother from next door who (along with her brother Kristof) was practically raised by Jūle. Rute learns about Jūle, a generous soul whose door and heart were always open to those less fortunate.

Haunting, sparse, and echoing Scandinavian greats like Kjersti Skomsvold, Laura Vinogradova’s The River is a tightly crafted work that defies resolutions and endings, instead hailing the importance and beauty of the personal journey to one’s internal truths and external freedoms.

Laura Vinogradova werd in 1984 in Letland geboren. Ze is de auteur van een kinderboek en twee verhalenbundels. De rivier (Upe) is haar eerste roman en stond op de shortlist voor de Letse Literatuurprijs 2020 en ontving in 2021 een EU-literatuurprijs. 

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Pilar Adón – Of Beasts and Fowls

Pilar Adón Of Beasts and Fowls recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de roman van de Spaanse schrijfster. Op 5 november 2024 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Open Letter de Engelse vertaling van de roman De bestias y aves van de uit Spanje afkomstige schrijfster Pilar Adón. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Pilar Adón Of Beasts and Fowls recensie, review en informatie

  • “A funerary poem about a bird flying underground; a psychodrama of two sisters drowning in the mirror of memory; a center of a necrophilic labyrinth; Virginia Woolf’s Rhoda lost in John Hawkes’s Travesty. Pilar Adon’s novel is the most haunting I have read in years.” (Mircea Cărtărescu, winner of the Dublin Literary Award)
  • “Adón has built a unique literary world with devices, spaces, and characters, as well as with her own rhetoric and themes and motifs, which set her apart from the rest of contemporary authors.” (Fernando Valls, InfoLibre)
  • “Those who approach Pilar Adón’s writing for the first time will find themselves immersed in a mysterious and suffocating reality. [In Of Beasts and Fowls] everything is marked from the very beginning with the most overwhelming sense of the unusual.” (Santos Sanz Villanueva, El Cultural)

Pilar Adón Of Beasts and Fowls

Of Beasts and Fowls

  • Auteur: Pilar Adón (Spanje)
  • Soort boek: Spaanse roman
  • Winnaar Premio Nacional de Narrativa in 2023
  • Origineel: De bestias y aves (2022)
  • Engelse vertaling: Katie Whittemore
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 5 november 2024
  • Omvang: 220 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 15,95
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van de Spaanse schrijfster Pilar Adón

Summer is ending and Coro, an artist frightened of what her paintings of her dead sister may represent, gets in her car one night and starts to drive, with no plan or destination. After a wrong turn down a narrow dirt road, she runs out of gas outside the gates of a large and isolated house called Bethany, a place inhabited exclusively by a small group of women who seem to exist in a closed, hierarchical system a world apart. The women of Bethany live closely with the natural and animal world, celebrate rites and rituals, and, like devotees of an ancestral cult, all dress the same. Most unsettlingly, they seem to know who Coro is already. In fact, they have been expecting her.

How the women came to live in Bethany, why they believe Coro is destined to be there, and most pressing, why won’t they let her leave are questions Coro must face as she struggles between the instinct to escape and the sense that something larger is at work.

When Bethany’s careful balance is disturbed—with violent consequences—by the appearance of a mysterious man who claims the house and land are his, Coro will find herself forced to meet her own ghosts, reckon with her choices, and accept that Bethany might just be where she belongs.

Winner of Spain’s Premio Nacional de Narrativa in 2023, Of Beasts and Fowls introduces a grand talent new to English audiences in a haunting novel rife with natural descriptions, signs and symbols, and a sense of the uncanny.

Pilar Adón (12 oktober 1971, Madrid) is the author of four novels, including The Mayflies (forthcoming from Open Letter), several short story collection, and four volumes of poetry. She received the Ojo Critico Prize for Viajes inocentes, and won the Premio Francisco Umbral al Libro del Año, Premio Cálamo, and the Premio de la Critica for Of Beasts and Fowls.

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Carlos Labbé – The Murmuration

Carlos Labbé The Murmuration recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de roman uit Chili. Op 2 juli 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman Viaje a Partagua van de Chileense schrijver Carlos Labbé. Hier lees je informatie over de roman, de schrijver, de vertaler en over de uitgave. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Carlos Labbé The Murmuration recensie en review

  • “Labbé deliberately distorts conventional narrative forms to create a challenging but engaging text.” (New York Journal of Books)
  • “Begins to fuck with your head from its very first word.” (Toby Litt, Engelse romanschrijver)
  • “Labbé wreaks havoc on narrative rules from the start and keeps doing it.” (Bookforum)

Carlos Labbé The Murmuration

The Murmuration

  • Auteur: Carlos Labbé (Chili)
  • Soort boek: Chileense roman
  • Origineel: Viaje a Partagua (2021)
  • Engelse vertaling: Will Vanderhyden
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 2 juli 2024
  • Omvang: 200 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: € 16,95
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon 

Flaptekst van de roman van de Chileense schrijver Carlos Labbé

On the eve of the 1962 World Cup in Chile, a retired sports commentator with a secret ability to influence living beings with his voice encounters one of the directors of the Chilean national team—a feminist with a covert agenda—on an overnight train ride to Santiago. The director convinces the commentator to return to broadcasting in order to call Chile’s matches and to utilize his unique vocal power to influence their outcomes.

Later, when Chile is facing off against Brazil in the semifinal match, the plan diverges from one of conventional victory and the narrative bifurcates, simultaneously tracking the action on the field and a startling sequence of events that is unfolding in one of the stadium’s luxury boxes, and what initially looks like a story of intrigue and action and an exploration of class warfare, representation, and social justice, emerges as a novel that enacts the notion that art can only transcend through collective creative action.

Within the world of Carlos Labbé’s fiction, this novel can be understood as a continuation and broadening of the political project signaled in his early work and a doubling-down on the formal playfulness and elusive sensibility that characterizes all of his fiction. Popular forms and genres (from science fiction and journalism in Navidad & Matanza, to detective fiction in Loquela, to pop music and protest movements in Spiritual Choreographies) have always been integral to Labbé’s oeuvre, and with The Murmurationhe engages the world of professional soccer, making his most direct appeal to the masses yet.

Carlos Labbé (Santiago, Chili, 28 januari 1977) one of Granta’s “Best Young Spanish-Language Novelists,” was born in Chile and is the author of eight novels , including Navidad & Matanza, Loquela, and Spiritual Choreographies (all available from Open Letter) and three collections of short stories. In addition to his writings he is a musician, and has released three albums. He is a co-editor at Sangria, a publishing house based in Santiago and Brooklyn, where he translates and runs workshops. He also writes literary essays, the most notable ones on Juan Carlos Onetti, Diamela Eltit, and Roberto Bolaño.

Bijpassende boeken en informatie

Johan Harstad – The Red Handler

Johan Harstad The Red Handler. Op 26 maart 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van The Red Handler de laatste roman van de Noorse schrijver Johan Harstad. De Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is verschenen met de titel Heterdaad. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijver en over de uitgave.

Johan Harstad The Red Handler recensie

  • “The fact is that Johan Harstad has a wholly unique voice, simultaneously both concrete and soaring . . . to be able to write in this way, to conjure a situation and construct space and time around it with such linguistic fluency, cannot be learned. You are born with it. Harstad’s fellow countryman Knut Hamsun, who was able to do the same, must be rejoicing in his heaven or wherever he might be.” (Jakob Levinsen, Jyllands-Posten)

Johan Harstad boeken en informatie

Johan Harstad is geboren op 10 februari 1979 in de Noorse stad Stavanger. Naast romans en verhalen schrijft hij ook toneelstukken en scenario’s. De meeste van zijn romans en andere boeken zijn in Nederlandse vertaling ontvangen en over het algemeen lovend besproken. Van zijn laatste roman is nog niet bekend of deze in het Nederlands vertaald zal worden, wel verschijnt in maart 2024 de Engelse vertaling waarover je hier alles kunt lezen.

Johan Harstad The Red Handler

The Red Handler

  • Auteur: Johan Harstad (Noorwegen)
  • Soort boek: Noorse roman
  • Origineel: Ferskenen : samlede verker : annotert utgave (2018)
  • Engelse vertaling: David Smith
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 26 maart 2024
  • Omvang: 173 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs: €14,95 / € 9,95
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon

Flaptekst van de nieuwe roman van Johan Harstad

A riotous metafictional dissection of a “famous” Norwegian detective writer

Frode Brandeggen (1970–2014), an unknown voice to most readers, made his debut in 1992 with the experimental 2,000+ page novel Conglomerate Breath. It was never reviewed and soon forgotten. After that, he created a new genre, writing fifteen micro-novels about “Red Handler,” a protest-oriented crime fiction project aimed at confronting the genre’s weakness—and often unnecessary length.

As his weapon, he developed a private investigator who is already at the scene or in the immediate vicinity when foul play takes place, so that the perp can be caught red handed and the case quickly solved, thus offering crime fiction to people who don’t have the time to read long books, or who simply hate to read, but love crime.

This book brings together all fifteen micro-novels Brandeggen wrote about Red Handler for the first time, and is also equipped with a comprehensive amount of enthusiastic, explanatory, complementary, and sometimes strangely digressive endnotes, written in the pen of Brandeggen’s closest literary confidant in the final years, German professional annotator Bruno Aigner (1934–).

This novel about the fiction Red Handler, Frode Brandeggen, and Bruno Aigner is Johan Harstad’s wildest, most hysterical project to date.

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Joâo Reis – The Devastation of Silence

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Portugese roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Op 8 november 2022 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman A Devastação do Silêncio van de Portugese schrijver Joâo Reis.

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence recensie en informatie

Zodra de roman gelezen is door de redactie, kun je op deze pagina recensie en waardering vinden van de roman The Devastation of Silence. Het boek is geschreven door Joâo Reis. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden te vinden. Bovendien bevat deze pagina informatie over de inhoud van de roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog van de Portugese schrijver Joâo Reis.

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence Portugese roman

The Devastation of Silence

  • Schrijver: Joâo Reis (Portugal)
  • Soort boek: Portugese roman
  • Origineel: A Devastação do Silêncio (2018)
  • Engelse vertaling: Adrian Minckley
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 8 november 2022
  • Omvang: 130 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback 

Flaptekst van de roman van Joâo Reis

“The nights were terrible, during the day we were occupied, but at night we got to thinking, picturing food, our houses, food again, painful memories from our childhoods—that abominable era—would mix with images of food and our torture would grow and grow, I recalled my impotence before the plate I was ordered to clean, the impossibility of choice in a world into which I had been thrust unwillingly, war was indeed an extension of the torture of being born.”

Set during the difficult era of the Great War, The Devastation of Silence is the story of a captain in the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps who, with no documents showing his rank, finds himself in a German prison camp forced to share the circumstances of his poorer countrymen. He is hungry, constantly plagued by the sound of incessant detonations—and trying to finish his oral account of a strange story about a German scientist and voice recordings. In all this, he must seek meaning in his observations, his dreams, and, above all, silence.

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Juan José Saer – The Regal Lemon Tree

Juan José Saer The Regal Lemon Tree recensie en informatie van deze Argentijnse roman uit 1974. Op 27 oktober 2020 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman CEl limonero real van de Argentijnse schrijver Juan José Saer.

Juan José Saer The Regal Lemon Tree Recensie en Informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op de pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de Argentijnse roman The Regal Lemon Tree. Het boek is geschreven door Juan José Saer. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 1974 van de Argentijnse schrijver Juan José Saer.

Juan José Saer The Regal Lemon Tree Recensie

The Regal Lemon Tree

  • Schrijver: Juan José Saer (Argentinië)
  • Soort boek: Argentijnse roman
  • Origineel: El limonero real (1974)
  • Engelse vertaling: Sergio Waisman
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 27 oktober 2020
  • Omvang: 240 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback

Waardering voor The Regal Lemon Tree

  • “The most striking element of Saer’s writing is his prose, at once dynamic and poetic. . . . It is brilliant.” (Harvard Review)
  • “Brilliant. . . . Saer’s The Sixty-Five Years of Washington captures the wildness of human experience in all its variety.” (New York Times)
  • “To say that Juan José Saer is the best Argentinian writer of today is to undervalue his work. It would be better to say that Saer is one of the best writers of today in any language.” (Ricardo Piglia)

Flaptekst van de roman van Juan José Saer

One of the late Juan José Saer’s most beloved novels, The Regal Lemon Tree shows a master stylist at his best. Set during day and night of New Year’s Evebuilding up a barbecue that takes on ritual significance, the novel focuses on a couple in the north of Argentina who lost their only son eight years prior. Wenceslao spends the day with his extended family and his memories while his wife truly paralyzed by grief refuses to leave their island, which is home to an almost magical lemon tree that blossoms at all times of the year. With the recurring phrase, ”dawn breaks, and his eyes are already open,” the novel takes on a dreamlike quality, manifesting the troubles the couple has suffered under with an eeriness that calls to mind the work of David Lynch.

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Guillermo Saccomanno – The Clerk

Guillermo Saccomanno The Clerk recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze Argentijnse roman. Op 15 september 2020 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Open letter Books de Engelse vertaling van El oficinista, geschreven door de Argentijnse schrijver Guillermo Saccomanno. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar.

Guillermo Saccomanno The Clerk Recensie en Informatie

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman The Clerk.  Het boek is geschreven door Guillermo Saccomanno. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van dit boek van de Argentijnse journalist en schrijver schrijver Guillermo Saccomanno.

Guillermo Saccomanno The Clerk Recensie

The Clerk

  • Schrijver: Guillermo Saccomanno (Argentinië)
  • Soort boek: Argentijnse roman, sociale roman
  • Origineel: El oficinista (2010)
  • Engelse vertaling: Andrea G. Labinger
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 15 september 2020
  • Omvang: 138 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback
  • Premio Biblioteca Breve de Novel 2010

Flaptekst van de roman van Guillermo Saccomanno

Perfectly normal men and women head to their desks every day in a city laid to waste by guerrilla incursions, menaced by hordes of starving people, murderous children and cloned dogs, patrolled by armed helicopters, and plagued with acid rain. Among them is the Clerk, who is willing to be humiliated in order to keep his job—until he falls in love and allows himself to dream of someone else.

To what depths is a man willing to go to hold on to a dream? The Clerk tells a story that happened yesterday, but that still hasn’t happened, and yet is happening now. A story we didn’t even notice because we’re too tied up in our own jobs, salaries, appearances. This novel embraces an anti-utopia, a world of Ballard but also of Dostoyevsky.

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Jóanes Nielsen – The Brahmadells

Jóanes Nielsen The Brahmadells recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze familieroman uit Faeröer. In 2017 verscheen bij Uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman Brahmadellarnir van de Faeröer schrijver Jóanes Nielsen. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar. De roman is wel in Duitse vertaling verkrijgbaar.

Jóanes Nielsen The Brahmadells Roman uit Faeröer

Als de redactie het boek gelezen heeft, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de familieroman uit Faeröer, The Brahmadells. Het boek is geschreven door Jóanes Nielsen. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 2011 van de Faeröerse schrijver Jóanes Nielsen.

Jóanes Nielsen The Brahmadells Roman uit Faeröer

The Brahmadells

  • Schrijver: Jóanes Nielsen (Faeröer)
  • Soort boek: Faeröer roman, familieroman
  • Origineel: Brahmadellarnir (2011)
  • Engelse vertaling: Kerri A. Pierce
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschenen: 7 december 2017
  • Omvang: 347 pagina’s
  • Waardering redactie: ∗∗∗∗ (uitstekend)
  • Uitgave: Paperback / Ebook

Flaptekst van de Faeröer roman van Jóanes Nielsen

One of the first Faroese books to be translated into English, The Brahmadells is an epic novel chronicling the lives of a particular family—nicknamed “the Brahmadells”—against the larger history of the Faroe Islands, from the time of Danish rule, through its national awakening, to its independence.

Filled with colorful characters and various family intrigues, the novel incorporates a number of genres and styles as it shifts from individual stories to larger world issues. There are historical documents, including nineteenth-century medical journals, documents detailing the lives of real historical figures, digressions about religion, a measles outbreak, and many other travails, large and small.

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