Tag archieven: João Reis

Joâo Reis – The Devastation of Silence

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Portugese roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Op 8 november 2022 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Open Letter Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman A Devastação do Silêncio van de Portugese schrijver Joâo Reis.

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence recensie en informatie

Zodra de roman gelezen is door de redactie, kun je op deze pagina recensie en waardering vinden van de roman The Devastation of Silence. Het boek is geschreven door Joâo Reis. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden te vinden. Bovendien bevat deze pagina informatie over de inhoud van de roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog van de Portugese schrijver Joâo Reis.

Joâo Reis The Devastation of Silence Portugese roman

The Devastation of Silence

  • Schrijver: Joâo Reis (Portugal)
  • Soort boek: Portugese roman
  • Origineel: A Devastação do Silêncio (2018)
  • Engelse vertaling: Adrian Minckley
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschijnt: 8 november 2022
  • Omvang: 130 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback 

Flaptekst van de roman van Joâo Reis

“The nights were terrible, during the day we were occupied, but at night we got to thinking, picturing food, our houses, food again, painful memories from our childhoods—that abominable era—would mix with images of food and our torture would grow and grow, I recalled my impotence before the plate I was ordered to clean, the impossibility of choice in a world into which I had been thrust unwillingly, war was indeed an extension of the torture of being born.”

Set during the difficult era of the Great War, The Devastation of Silence is the story of a captain in the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps who, with no documents showing his rank, finds himself in a German prison camp forced to share the circumstances of his poorer countrymen. He is hungry, constantly plagued by the sound of incessant detonations—and trying to finish his oral account of a strange story about a German scientist and voice recordings. In all this, he must seek meaning in his observations, his dreams, and, above all, silence.

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João Reis – The Translator’s Bride

João Reis The Translator’s Bride recensie en informatie over de inhoud van deze Portugese roman. Op 20 augustus 2019 verscheen bij uitgeverij Open Letters Books de Engelse vertaling van de roman A noiva do tradutor (2015) van de Portugese schrijver João Reis. Er is vooralsnog geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman.

João Reis The Translator’s Bride Recensie en Informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van The Translator’s Bride, een roman van João Reis. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman van de Portugese schrijver João Reis.

João Reis The Translator's Bride Recensie

The Translator’s Bride

  • Schrijver: João Reis (Portugal)
  • Soort boek: Portugese roman, psychologische roman
  • Origineel: A noiva do tradutor (2015)
  • Engelse vertaling: João Reis
  • Uitgever: Open Letter Books
  • Verschenen 20 augustus 2019
  • Omvang: 117 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: Paperback / Ebook

Flaptekst van de Portugese roman

At the start of The Translator’s Bride, the Translator’s bride has left him. But if he can only find a way to publish a book, and buy a small house, maybe he can win her back . . . These are the obsessive thoughts that pervade the Translator’s mind as he walks around an unnamed city full of idiots, trying to figure out how to put his life back together—his employers aren’t paying him, he’s trying to survive a woman’s unwanted advances, and he’s trying to make the best of his desperate living conditions—all while he struggles with his own mind and angry and psychotic ideas, filled with longing and melancholy. Darkly funny, filled with acidic observations and told with a frenetic page, The Translator’s Bride is an incredible ride—whether you’re a translator or not!

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