Tag archieven: Jewish Lives

Anthony Julius – Abraham

Anthony Julius Abraham recensie, review en informatie biografie van de aartsvader van de Israëlieten . Op 11 februari 2025 verschijnt bij Yale University Press in de reeks Jewish Lives de biografie Abraham, The First Jew, geschreven door de professor aan Faculty of Laws, University College in Londen. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de biografie, de auteur en over de uitgave.

Anthony Julius Abraham recensie, review en informatie

  • “This brilliantly original and often deeply moving book tells the story of Abraham so as to set out a narrative of ‘faith’ itself—the relation of faith to reason, the abiding tension between claimed conviction and inescapable or tragic questioning, the way in which, like Abraham, we may be both ‘residents’ and ‘aliens’ in the world of discourse about God. A unique and searching masterpiece.” (Rowan Williams, theologian and poet, University of Cambridge)
  • “Fascinating and profound, scholarly and playful, philosophical and aesthetic, Anthony Julius’s Abraham is an original and compelling hybrid that brings Abraham to life and through him discusses the nature of faith and his own personal philosophy.”(Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of Jerusalem: The Biography)

Anthony Julius Abraham


The First Jew

  • Auteur: Anthony Julius (Engeland)
  • Soort boek: biografie
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Yale University Press
  • Reeks: Jewish Lives
  • Verschijnt: 11 februari 2025
  • Omvang: 392 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Prijs: $ 30,00
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de biografie van Abraham de aartsvader van de Joden

The story of Abraham, the first Jew, portrayed as two lives lived by one person, paralleling the contradictions in Judaism throughout its history.

In this new biography of Abraham, Judaism’s foundational figure, Anthony Julius offers an account of the origins of a fundamental struggle within Judaism between skepticism and faith, critique and affirmation, thinking for oneself and thinking under the direction of another. Julius describes Abraham’s life as two separate lives, and as a version of the collective life of the Jewish people.

Abraham’s first life is an early adulthood of questioning the polytheism of his home city of Ur Kasdim until its ruler, Nimrod, condemns him to death and he is rescued, he believes, by a miracle. In his second life, Abraham’s focus is no longer on critique but rather on conversion and on his leadership over his growing household, until God’s command that he sacrifice his son Isaac. This test, the Akedah (or “Binding”), ends with another miracle, as he believes, but as Julius argues, it is also a catastrophe for Abraham. The Akedah represents for him an unsurpassed horizon—and in Jewish life thereafter. This book focuses on Abraham as leader of the first Jewish project, Judaism, and the unresolvable, insurmountable crisis that the Akedah represents—both in his leadership and in Judaism itself.

Anthony Julius was born 16 July 1956 in London. He is deputy chairman of the international law firm Mishcon de Reya and a professor in the Faculty of Laws, University College London. He is the author of T. S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form, among other books. He lives in London, United Kingdom.

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Noga Arikha – Franz Boas biografie

Noga Arikha Franz Boas biografie recensie, review en informatie boek over de in Duitsland geboren, Amerikaanse antropoloog. Op 13 mei 2025 verschijnt bij Yale University Press in de reeks Jewish Lives de biografie van een van de grondleggers van de antropologie Fraz Boas. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave.

Noga Arikha Franz Boas biografie recensie, review en informatie

  • “Noga Arikha presents a wonderfully three-dimensional portrait of Franz Boas: family man, secular German Jew, cosmopolitan polymath, scientific anti-racist, a model of empathy and tolerance, and a beacon of light in challenging times.” (Adam Kuper, author)
  • “Noga Arikha successfully depicts the life, work, thought, and influence of Franz Boas, the towering figure who shaped the development of modern American anthropology. She perceptively stresses his lifelong battle against racism, ethnocentrism, eugenics, and for freedom of thought.” (Herbert S. Lewis, author)

Noga Arikha Franz Boas biografie

Franz Boas

In Praise of Open Minds

  • Auteur: Noga Arika 
  • Soort boek: biografie
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Yale University Press
  • Reeks: Jewish Lives
  • Verschijnt: 13 mei 2025
  • Omvang: 280 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek
  • Prijs: $  28,00
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de biografie van antropoloog Franz Boas

A thought-provoking account of the life and work of Franz Boas and his influential role in shaping modern anthropology

Franz Boas born on 9 July 1858 in Minden, Germany en died 21 December 1942 in New York City is widely acknowledged for his pioneering work in the field of cultural anthropology. His rigorous studies of variations across societies were aimed at demonstrating that cultures and peoples were not shaped by biological predispositions. This book traces Boas’s life and intellectual passions from his roots in Germany and his move to the United States in 1884, partly in response to growing antisemitism in Germany, to his work with First Nations communities and his influential role as a teacher, mentor, and engaged activist who inspired an entire generation.

Drawing from Boas’s numerous but rarely read writings, Noga Arikha brings to life the man and the ideas he developed about the complex interplay of mind and culture, biology and history, language and myth. She provides a comprehensive picture of the cultural contexts in which he worked, of his personal and professional relationships, and of his revolutionary approach to fieldwork. He was celebrated in his lifetime for the cultural relativism he developed and the arguments he marshaled against entrenched racialism. But his was a constant battle, and Arikha shows how urgently relevant his voice and legacy have become again today.

Noga Arikha is a research associate at the European University Institute in Florence. She is the author of The Ceiling Outside: The Science and Experience of the Disrupted Mind and Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours. She currently lives in Florence, Italy.

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Kenneth Turan – Louis B. Mayer en Irving Thalberg

Kenneth Turan Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg recensie, review en informatie biografie van de Amerikaanse filmproducenten. Op 4 february 2025 verschijnt in de reeks Jewish Lives een nieuwe biografie van de joodse filmproducenten Louis B. Mayer en Irving Thalberg. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de biografie is niet verkrijgbaar.

Kenneth Turan Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg recensie, review en informatie

  • “Mr. Turan has provided an entertaining primer on the men and their studio. … Sharply observant.” (Farran Smith Nehme, Wall Street Journal)
  • “A record of a paradigm-shifting partnership, this is an entertaining, literate and beautifully crafted contribution to Hollywood history.” (Charles Arrowsmith, Los Angeles Times)

Kenneth Turan Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg

Louis B. Mayer and Irvine Thalberg

The Whole Equation

  • Auteur: Kenneth Turan (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: biografie, filmboek
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Yale University Press
  • Reeks: Jewish Lives
  • Verschijnt: 4 februari 2025
  • Omvang: 392 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Prijs: $ 30,00
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de biografie van filmproducenten Louis B. Mayer en Irving Thalberg

Kenneth Turan brings to life the extraordinary partnership of Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg and their role in creating the film industry as we know it.

One was a tough junkman’s son, the other a cosseted mama’s boy, but they dreamed the same mighty dream: that the right movies could make a profit and change both the culture and individual lives. Sharing a religion and an evangelical zeal for film, Louis B. Mayer (1884–1957) and Irving Thalberg (1899–1936) were unlikely partners in one of the most significant collaborations in movie history. Over the course of their decade-long relationship, as key players at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and major players in Hollywood, they joined forces in redefining and mastering the template for the film industry.

Mayer, older by more than a dozen years, was the business-minded face of the studio, while Thalberg worked closely with the creative corps, especially writers; together they rarely set a foot wrong. And while Mayer initially viewed Thalberg as the son he never had, the two would go from passionate friends to near enemies before Thalberg’s shocking death at the age of thirty-seven.

In the first joint biography of the two men in fifty years, film critic Kenneth Turan traces their fraught relationship while examining the complicated history of Jewish identity in Hollywood.

Kenneth Turan was the film critic of the Los Angeles Times for nearly thirty years and was also a film critic for National Public Radio. He is the author of Not to Be Missed: Fifty-Four Favorites from a Lifetime of Filmamong other books. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

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John Laher – Arthur Miller Biography

John Laher Arthur Miller Biography America Witness recensie en informatie over de inhoud van het nieuwe boek in de reeks Jewish Lives van Yale University Press. Op 1 november 200 verschijnt bij Yale University Press de biografie van de joods-Amerikaanse toneelschrijver Arthur Miller. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

John Laher Arthur Miller biography recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de biografie Arthur Miller, American Witness. Het boek is geschreven door John Laher. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van het nieuwe biografie over de Amerikaanse toneelschrijver Arthur Miller, in de reeks Jewish Lives van Yale University Press, geschreven door John Laher.

John Laher Arthur Miller Biography Jewish Lives

Arthur Miller

American Witness

  • Schrijver: John Laher (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: biografie
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Yale University Press
  • Reeks: Jewish Lives
  • Verschijnt: 1 november 2022
  • Omvang: 264 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook

Flaptekst van de biografie van toneelschrijver Arthur Miller

A great theater critic brings twentieth-century playwright Arthur Miller’s dramatic story to life with bold and revealing new insights.

Distinguished theater critic John Lahr brings unique perspective to the life of Arthur Miller (1915–2005), the playwright who almost single-handedly propelled twentieth-century American theater into a new level of cultural sophistication. Organized around the fault lines of Miller’s life—his family, the Great Depression, the rise of fascism, Elia Kazan and the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Marilyn Monroe, Vietnam, and the rise and fall of Miller’s role as a public intellectual—this book demonstrates the synergy between Arthur Miller’s psychology and his plays. Concentrating largely on Miller’s most prolific decades of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, Lahr probes Miller’s early playwriting failures; his work writing radio plays during World War II after being rejected for military service; his only novel, Focus; and his succession of award-winning and canonical plays that include All My SonsDeath of a Salesman, and The Crucible, providing an original interpretation of Miller’s work and his personality.

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Ilana Pardes – Ruth A Migrant’s Tale

Ilana Pardes Ruth A Migrant’s Tale recensie en informatie over de inhoud van het nieuwe boek in de reeks Jewish Lives van Yale University Press. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Ilana Pardes Ruth A Migrant’s Tale recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van Ruth, A Migrant’s Tale. Het boek is geschreven door Ilana Pardes. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van het nieuwe boek in de reeks Jewish Lives van Yale University Press, geschreven door Ilana Pardes.

Ilana Pardes Ruth A Migrant's Tale.Jewish Lives


A Migrant’s Tale

  • Schrijfster: Ilana Pardes (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: joodse geschiedenis
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Yale University Press
  • Reeks: Jewish Lives
  • Verschijnt: 4 oktober 2022
  • Omvang: 232 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook

Flaptekst van het boek over Ruth van Ilana Pardes

A wide-ranging exploration of the story of Ruth, a foreigner who became the founding mother of the Davidic dynasty.

The biblical Ruth has inspired numerous readers from diverse cultural backgrounds across many centuries. In this insightful volume, Ilana Pardes invites us to marvel at the ever-changing perspectives on Ruth’s foreignness. She explores the rabbis’ lauding of Ruth as an exemplary convert, and the Zohar’s insistence that Ruth’s Moabite background is vital to her redemptive powers. In moving to early modern French art, she looks at pastoral paintings in which Ruth becomes a local gleaner, holding sheaves in her hands. Pardes concludes with contemporary adaptations in literature, photography, and film in which Ruth is admired for being a paradigmatic migrant woman. Ruth’s afterlives not only reveal much about their own times, but also shine new light upon this remarkable ancient tale and point to its enduring significance. In our own era of widespread migration and dislocation, Ruth remains as relevant as ever.

Ilana Pardes is Katharine Cornell Professor of Comparative Literature and the director of the Center for Literary Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the author of Countertraditions in the Bible and The Song of Songs: A Biography.

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