Tag archieven: Charco Press

Roque Larraquy – The National Telepathy

Roque Larraquy The National Telepathy review, recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Argentijnse roman uit 2020. Op 18 februari 2025 verschijnt bij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman La telepatía nacional van de uit Argentinië afkomstige schrijver Roque Larraquy. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Roque Larraquy The National Telepathy review, recensie en informatie

  • “It is Larraquy’s structures and prose decisions that make reading it a disconcerting, unmistakably literary experience. The apparent simplicity of the style hides ironic twists of various kinds (political, historical, anthropological, literary, psychological, linguistic), while something essential seems to be in flight, irreducible to meaning. The result is a highly entertaining book, though ultimately desolate, and abrupt in its own way.” (El Español)
  • “This is a book full of holes, fragmentary, formed of silences, whose central story, like a blind spot, is fragmented and seems to occur elsewhere, a beyond where the alliances between science, occultism and power mark a continuity that runs from the Lombroso-inspired experiments of the Infamous Decade to the paranoid vigilance of the self-styled Liberating Revolution.” (Infobae)

Roque Larraquy The National Telepathy

The National Telepathy

  • Auteur: Roque Larraquy (Argentinië)
  • Soort boek: Argentijnse roman
  • Origineel: La telepatía nacional (2020)
  • Engelse vertaling: Frank Wynne
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 18 februari 2025
  • Omvang: 161 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van de Argentijnse schrijver Roque Larraquy

In September 1933, the Peruvian Rubber Company delivers nineteen indigenous people from the Amazon to businessman Amado Dam, intended for Argentina’s first Ethnographic Theme Park. Unexpected among the human cargo is an artefact harbouring a sloth with a fascinating yet terrifying secret: the ability to create erotically explosive telepathic connections between people. What ensues is a raucous satire of men’s fear of women’s bodies, of the illusion of logic in the structures of so-called civilisation, and the way class and race obscure identities when the observer is a man with power.

In The National Telepathy, Roque Larraquy, one of the most original voices in contemporary Argentinian literature, brings us a literary high-wire act, an over-the-top comic grotesque about atrocity. This shocking, bizarre, funny, imaginative novel lays all-too-bare the secret longings and not-so-secret machinations of a social class that will stop at nothing in order to stay on top.

Roque Larraquy (1975, Buenos Aires, Argentinië) is the author of the novels La comemadre (2011), nominated for the USA National Book Awards (2018), the National Translation Book Award (2018) and the Dublin Literary Award (2020); Informe sobre ectoplasma animal (2014), a book illustrated by visual artist Diego Ontivero; and The National Telepathy, chosen as one the best ten books in Spanish of 2020 by The New York Times , and so far translated into Portuguese, English and French. Until 2022 Larraquy was the inaugural director of the BA in Creative Writing at the Universidad Nacional de Las Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Lucía Lijtmaer – Cautery

Lucía Lijtmaer Cautery review, recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de roman van de Argentijns-Spaanse schrijfster. Op 29 april 2025 verschijnt bij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman Cauterio van de in Argentinië geboren Spaanse schrijfster Lucía Lijtmaer. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Lucía Lijtmaer Cautery review, recensie en informatie

  • “Lucía Lijtmaer constructs a story that is not only moving and imaginative but also indispensable.” (Agustín Fernández Mallo, auteur van de Nocilla trilogie)
  • “A display of talent and skill. A novel that signals, wounds, accompanies and unsettles.” (El Pais)

Lucía Lijtmaer Cautery


  • Auteur: Lucía Lijtmaer (Argentinië, Spanje)
  • Soort boek: Spaanse roman
  • Origineel: Cauterio (2022)
  • Engelse vertaling: Maureen Shaughnessy
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 29 april 2025
  • Omvang: 236 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon

Flaptekst van de roman van de Argentijnse schrijfster Lucía Lijtmaer

Fantasies, or are they premonitions, of a great wave, an impending apocalypse, threaten to swamp a young woman in a slowly curdling relationship in Barcelona. From the outside it all looks good: ‘we have friends who design jewellery, who make politically committed electronic art, who are concerned about their mobile devices being monitored, who talk about climate change’. However, her discontent means she’s not living up to her part of the bargain.

Four hundred years earlier, Deborah Moody marries, loses a child, loses her husband, loses everything, and flees England for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. But if relying on a husband proved a mistake, independence doesn’t mean freedom from the dangerous vanities of men.  Funny, cutting, and a savage indictment of the cheap consolations of meme-ified faux feminism, misplaced solidarity, and sacrifices for the supposed greater good, Cautery offers us two women (one based on a historical figure, one imagined) who share one final vision of true happiness — burning it down and beginning again.

Lucía Lijtmaer is born in 1977 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She grew up in Barcelona, Spain. She is a writer and cultural critic. She has published the chronicles Quiero los secretos del Pentágono (I Want the Pentagon’s Secrets) (2015), Casi nada que ponerte (Hardly Anything to Wear) (2016) and the essays Yo también soy una chica lista (I’m a Smart Girl, Too) (2017), Cultura en Tensión (Culture in Tension) (2016) and Ofendiditos, la criminalización de la protesta (Offended: the Criminalization of Protest) (2019). She regularly writes for El País , El Periódico de Catalunya, and collaborates with RAC1. She’s the curator of the festival of guerrilla and feminist culture ‘Princesses and DarthVaders’, and together with Isa Calderón, she codirects the cultural podcast ‘Deforme Semanal’ on Radio Primavera Sound, winner of the 2021 Ondas Award for Best Podcast and of the 2022 Ondas Globales Prize for the Podcast.

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Ida Vitale – Lexicon of Affinities

Ida Vitale Lexicon of Affinities review , recensie en informatie over de inhoud van het boek uit 1994 van de Uruguayaanse schrijfster. Op 21 januari 2025 verschijnt bij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van Léxico de afinidades het boek van de uit Uruguay afkomstige schrijfster Ida Vitale. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.

Ida Vitale Lexicon of Affinities review , recensie en informatie

  • “Indispensable… [Vitale’s] language… has a precision that reminds us that memory exists: that today precision is an act of distinction and recognition.” (Letras Libres)
  • “A fascinating glimpse into the poet’s intricate world.” (Morning Star)

Ida Vitale Lexicon of Affinities

Lexicon of Affinities

  • Auteur:  Ida Vitale (Uruguay)
  • Soort boek: memoir, verhalen
  • Origineel: Léxico de afinidades (1994)
  • Engelse vertaling: Sean Manning
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 28 januari 2025
  • Omvang: 233 pagina’s
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van het boek van de Uruguayaanse schrijfster Ida Vitale

With entries as varied as ‘elbow’, ‘Ophelia’, ‘progress’, the painter Giorgio Morandi, ‘chess’, ‘Eulalia’ (a friend of the author’s aunt), and ‘unicorn’, Ida Vitale constructs a dictionary of her long and passionately engaged artistic life. Taking the reader by the arm, she invites us to become her confidant, sharing her remarkable 20th century as a member of a storied generation of Latin American writers, of whom she is the last remaining alive. It’s a compendium of friendship, travel, reading, and the endless opportunities she found for ’the joyful possibility of creation.’  Like every dictionary, Lexicon of Affinities seeks to impose order on chaos, even if in its exuberant, whimsical profusion it lays bare the unstable character of the cosmos.

Ida Vitale (2 November 1923, Montevideo, Uruguay) is a poet, translator, essayist, and literary critic. In 2018, she was just the fifth woman to receive the prestigious Miguel de Cervantes Prize, the highest recognition for literature in Spanish. In addition to the Cervantes Prize, she has also received the FIL Literature Prize (2018), Max Jacob Prize (2017), Federico García Lorca Poetry Prize (2016), Reina Sofía Poetry Prize (2015), Alfonso Reyes Prize (2014), and Octavio Paz Prize (2009), as well as many other honours, including being named by the BBC as one of the 100 most influential women of 2019.

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José Eustasio Rivera – The Vortex

José Eustasio Rivera The Vortex recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de Colombiaanse roman uit 1924. Op 3 december 2024 verschijnt bij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman La Vorágine van de uit Colombia afkomstige schrijver José Eustasio Rivera. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de auteur, de vertalers en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

José Eustasio Rivera The Vortex recensie en informatie

  • “The Vortex is the most influential Colombian novel before Gabriel García Márquez. One hundred years on, its themes – neo-slavery, human trafficking, violence against women, indigenous rights, Amazon deforestation – remain timely.” (Times Literairy Supplement)
  • “Pioneering eco-literature… Rivera’s vivid, poetic prose transforms the jungle into a living being.” (The Economist)
  • “The Vortex, the quintessential ‘jungle novel’, is one of the great Latin American fictions of the twentieth century.” (Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Colombiaanse schrijver)

José Eustasio Rivera The Vortex

The Vortex

  • Auteur: José Eustasio Rivera (Colombia)
  • Soort boek: Colombiaanse roman
  • Origineel: La Vorágine (1924)
  • Engelse vertaling: Victor Meadowcroft, Daniel Hahn
  • Uitgever: Charco Press Classics
  • Verschijnt: 3 december 2024
  • Omvang: 352 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de Colombiaanse roman uit 1924

A new translation of a Latin American classic, José Eustasio Rivera’s The Vortex follows the young poet Arturo Cova and his lover, Alicia, as they elope from Bogotá and embark on an adventure through Colombia’s varied and magical landscapes. When Alicia—pregnant, jealous, and more than a little fed up—disappears, it’s up to Arturo, and his unstoppable ego, to follow and win her back. From the cattle ranches of the llanos to the dense jungle of the rainforest, accompanied by hucksters, cowboys, desperate souls, and a terrifying tide of ants, Arturo pursues his bride-to-be, and becomes an inadvertent witness to the appalling conditions suffered by workers forced or tricked into tapping rubber trees.

Inventive, funny, and wildly prescient about the human and environmental costs of extractive systems, The Vortex is both a denunciation of the horrific human-rights abuses that took place during the Amazonian rubber boom, and one of most enduring renderings of the natural environment in Latin American literature. 100 years after its publication, it remains full of verve, and ready to inspire and delight a new generation of readers and writers.

José Eustasio Rivera was born in the municipality of San Mateo, Colombia, on 19 February, 1888, and died on 1 December, 1928 in New York. From a very young age, he experienced the deprivations of rural life, but was able to attend a series of educational establishments while living in poverty, eventually earning a doctorate in law in 1922. He was appointed secretary of the Colombian-Venezuelan Border Commission, as a result of which he embarked on an expedition to the Orinoco-Amazon jungle, where he came face to face with the poverty of the rubber tappers and the barbarism that plagued the territory. This experience was the inspiration for the characters he would go on to describe in The Vortex . On his return to Bogotá, he wrote articles denouncing this and other issues in the press, and in 1924 he published the first edition of his great and only novel. In the meantime, he held political posts that brought him further unpleasant experiences, which did not prevent him from representing Colombia at an international congress in Havana in 1928. From there, he moved to New York with the intention of setting up a publishing house, printing a new edition of The Vortex , and getting it translated into English. That same winter, Rivera fell ill and was admitted to hospital on the verge of a coma. He died suddenly on 1 December 1928 in New York City, only 40 years of age, without his illness being diagnosed.

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Yásnaya Elena A. Gil – This Mouth Is Mine

Yásnaya Elena A. Gil This Mouth Is Mine recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de het non-fictie boek van de Mexicaanse schrijfster. Op 17 september 2024 verschijnt bij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van het boek van de uit Mexico afkomstige schrijfster en activistie Yásnaya Elena A. Gil. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijfster en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Yásnaya Elena A. Gil This Mouth Is Mine recensie, review en informatie

  • “This Mouth is Mine is an important reminder that the linguistic is political and that linguistic discrimination tends to intersect with racism. [The essays show that] indigenous languages are modern languages too, as suitable for writing rock lyrics, tweeting jokes, or explaining quantum physics.” (Times Literary Supplement)
  • “With a remarkable sense of humor, Yásnaya takes us into the realm of our prejudices […] she questions us directly and wants us to respond, dialogues with us and invites us to investigate, to learn and to enjoy the diversity of the culture with which we coexist, in addition to igniting curiosity about our own languages.” (Revista de la Universidad de México)

Yásnaya Elena A. Gil This Mouth Is Mine

This Mouth Is Mine

  • Auteur: Yásnaya Elena A. Gil (Mexico)
  • Soort boek: non-fictie
  • Engelse vertaling: Ellen Jones
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 17 september 2024
  • Omvang: 150 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij:  Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van het boek van de Mexicaanse schrijfster Yásnaya Elena A. Gil

Despite the more than 200 Indigenous languages spoken in Mexico, including 63 that are officially recognized and celebrated by the Mexican government, linguistic diversity is and has been under attack in a larger culture that says bilingual is good when it means Spanish and English, but bad when it means Nahuatl and Spanish.

Yásnaya Aguilar, a linguist and native Mixe speaker, asks what is lost, for everyone, when the contradictions inherent in Mexico’s relationship with its many Indigenous languages mean official protection and actual contempt at worst, and ignorance at best.

Personal, anecdotal, and full of vivid examples, Aguilar does more than advocate for the importance of resistance by native peoples: she offers everyone the opportunity to value and enjoy a world in which culture, language, and community is delighted in, not flattened. “We have sacrificed Mexico in favor of creating the idea of Mexico” she says. This Mouth Is Mine is an invitation to take it back.

Yásnaya Elena A. Gil (16 October 1981, Ayutla Mixe, Mexico) is one of Latin America’s leading defenders of linguistic rights. She is a member of COLMIX, a group of Mixe people dedicated to researching, communicating and promoting Mixe language, history and culture. She has collaborated in many projects relating to linguistic diversity, the development of grammar content for educational materials in indigenous languages, and projects documenting languages at risk of disappearance. She has helped develop written materials in Mixe as well as building readerships in Mixe and other indigenous languages. As an activist she has defended the linguistic rights of speakers of indigenous languages, and promoted their use online and in literary translation. Together with renowned Mexican actor and director Gael García Bernal, she has also co-presented a series of documentary films about environmental issues in Mexico.

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Giovanna Rivero – Fresh Dirt from the Grave

Giovanna Rivero Fresh Dirt from the Grave recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de verhalenbundel uit Bolivia. Op 20 juni 2023 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman Tierra fresca di su tumba van de Boliviaanse schrijfster Giovanna Rivero. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Giovanna Rivero Fresh Dirt from the Grave recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de Boliviaanse verhalen Fresh Dirt from the Grave. Het boek is geschreven door Giovanna Rivero. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de uit Bolivia afkomstige auteur Giovanna Rivero.

Giovanna Rivero Fresh Dirt from the Grave Roman uit Bolivia

Fresh Dirt from the Grave

  • Auteur: Giovanna Rivero (Bolivia)
  • Soort boek: verhalen uit Bolivia
  • Origineel: Tierra fresca di su tumba (2021)
  • Engelse vertaling: Isabel Aday
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Omvang: 155 pagina’s
  • Verschijnt: 20 juni 2023
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook

Flaptekst van de roman van Giovanna Rivero

Shipwrecks, dive bars, possession, and science—this is where contemporary horrors and ancient terrors meet.

In Fresh Dirt from the Grave, a hillside is “an emerald saddle teeming with evil and beauty.” It is this collision of harshness and tenderness that animates Giovanna Rivero’s short stories, where no degree of darkness (buried bodies, lost children, wild paroxysms of violence) can take away from the gentleness she shows all violated creatures. A mad aunt haunts her family, two Bolivian children are left on the outskirts of a Metis reservation outside Winnipeg, a widow teaches origami in a women’s prison and murders, housefires, and poisonings abound, but so does the persistent bravery of people trying to forge ahead in the face of the world. They are offered cruelty, often, indifference at best, and yet they keep going. Rivero has reworked the boundaries of the gothic to engage with pre-Columbian ritual, folk tales, sci-fi and eroticism, and found in the wound their humanity and the possibility of hope.

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Margo Glantz – The Remains

Margo Glantz The Remains Mexicaanse roman recensie en informatie over de inhoud. Op 18 april 2023 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman van de Mexicaanse schrijfster Margo Glantz. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Margo Glantz The Remains recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op de pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van de roman The Remains. Het boek is geschreven door Margo Glantz. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman van de Mexicaanse schrijfster Margo Glantz.

Margo Glantz The Remains Mexicaanse roman

The Remains

  • Schrijfster: Margo Glantz (Mexico)
  • Soort boek: Mexicaanse roman
  • Origineel:
  • Engelse vertaling: Ellen Jones
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 18 april 2023
  • Omvang: 134 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook

Flaptekst van de roman van Margo Glantz

The way you hold a cello, the way light lands in a Caravaggio, the way the castrati hit notes like no one else could—a lifetime of conversations about art and music and history unfolds for Nora Garcia as she and a crowd of friends and fans send off her recently deceased ex-husband, Juan. Like any good symphony, there are themes and repetitions and contrapuntal notes.

We pingpong back and forth between Nora’s life with Juan (a renowned pianist and composer, and just as accomplished a raconteur) and the present day (the presentness of the past), where she sits among his familiar things, next to his coffin, breathing in the particular mix of mildew and lilies that overwhelm this day and her thoughts. In Glantz’s hands, music and art access our most intimate selves, illustrating and creating our identities, and offering us ways to express love and loss and bewilderment when words cannot suffice. As Nora says, “Life is an absurd wound: I think I deserve to be given condolences.”

Margo Glantz (Mexico-Stad, 28 januari 1930) fused Yiddish literature, Mexican culture, and French tradition to create experimental new works of literature. Glanz graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1953 and earned a doctorate in Hispanic literature from the Sorbonne in Paris before returning to Mexico to teach literature and theater history at UNAM. A prolific essayist, she is best known for her 1987 autobiography Las genealogías (The Genealogies), which blended her experiences of growing up Jewish in Catholic Mexico with her parents’ immigrant experiences. She also wrote fiction and nonfiction that shed new light on the seventeenth-century nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Among her many honours, she won the Magda Donato Prize for Las genealogías and received a Rockefeller Grant (1996) and a Guggenheim Fellowship (1998). She has been awarded honorary doctorates from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (2005), the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (2010), and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2011). Glantz was awarded with the 2004 National Prize for Sciences and the prestigious FIL Prize in 2010. She received Chile’s Manuel Rojas Ibero-American Narrative Award in 2015.

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Sebastián Martínez Daniell – Two Sherpas

Sebastián Martínez Daniell Two Sherpas Review en recensie en informatie van de Argentijnse roman over een bergbeklimmer in Nepal. Op 28 februari 2023 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman Dos Sherpas van de Argentijnse schrijver Sebastián Martínez Daniell. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van de roman verschenen of aangekondigd.

Sebastián Martínez Daniell Two Sherpas recensie en informatie

Als het de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering lezen van de roman Two Sherpas. Het boek is geschreven door Sebastián Martínez Daniell . Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman uit 2018 van de uit Argentinië afkomstige schrijver Sebastián Martínez Daniell.

Sebastián Martínez Daniell Two Sherpas Review

Two Sherpas

  • Schrijver: Sebastián Martínez Daniell (Argentinië)
  • Soort boek: Argentijnse roman
  • Origineel: Dos sherpas (2018)
  • Engelse vertaling: Jennifer Croft
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 28 februari 2023
  • Omvang: paperback / ebook

Flaptekst van de roman van Sebastián Martínez Daniell

A British climber has fallen from a cliffside in Nepal, and lies inert on a ledge below. Two sherpas kneel at the edge, stand, exchange the odd word, waiting for him to move, to make a decision, to descend. In those minutes, the world opens up to Kathmandu, a sun-bleached beach town on another continent, and the pages of Julius Caesar. Mountaineering, colonialism, obligation—in Sebastián Martínez Daniell’s effortless prose each breath is crystalline, and the whole world is visible from here.

Sebastián Martínez Daniell was born in Buenos Aires october 19 1971. He has published three novels, Semana (Week, 2004), Precipitaciones aisladas (Isolated Showers, 2010) and Dos Sherpas (Two Sherpas, 2018). His work has also been included in anthologies such as Buenos Aires / Escala 1:1 (2007), Uno a uno (2008), Hablar de mí (2010) and GolpesRelatos y memorias de la dictadura (2016). He is one of the co-founders of the independent publisher Entropía and is a literature lecturer at the National University of the Arts in Buenos Aires.

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Katya Adaui – Here Be Icebergs

Katya Adaui Here Be Icebergs verhalen uit Chili recensie en informatie over de inhoud.  Op 14 juni 2022 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de verhalenbundel Aquí hay icebergs van de Chileense schrijfster Katya Adaui.

Katya Adaui Here Be Icebergs recensie en informatie

Als de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering vinden van Here Be Icebergs. Het boek is geschreven door Katya Adaui. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de verhalenbundel van de Chileense schrijfster Katya Adaui.

Katya Adaui Here Be Icebergs Verhalen uit Chili

Here Be Icebergs

  • Schrijfster: Katya Adaui (Chili)
  • Soort boek: Chileense verhalen
  • Origineel: Aquí hay icebergs (2017)
  • Engelse vertaling: Rosalind Harvey
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 14 juni 2022
  • Omvang: 130 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Boek bestellen bij: Boekhandel / Bol

Flaptekst van het boek van de Chileense schrijfster Katya Adaui

The mysteries of kinship (families born into and families made) take disconcerting and familiar shapes in these refreshingly frank short stories. A family is haunted by a beast that splatters fruit against its walls every night, another undergoes a near-collision with a bus on the way home from the beach. Mothers are cold, fathers are absent—we know these moments in the abstract, but Adaui makes each as uncanny as our own lives: close but not yet understood.

Katya Adaui was born in Lima in 1977. She is the author of the books of short stories Geografía de la oscuridad (Geography of Obscurity), Aquí hay icebergs (Here Be Icebergs), Algo se nos ha escapado (Something Escaped Us) and the novel Nunca sabré lo que entiendo (I’ll Never Know What I Understand). She has also written the children’s books Patichueca and Muy Muy en Bora Bora. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing from the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero in Argentina. She lives in Buenos Aires where she teaches writing workshops.

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Diamela Eltit – Never Did the Fire

Diamela Eltit Never Did the Fire recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de roman uit Chili. Op 5 april 2022 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Charco Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman uit 2007, Jamás el fuego nunca, van de Chileense schrijfster Diamela Eltit. Er is geen Nederlandse vertaling van het boek verkrijgbaar of aangekondigd.

Diamela Eltit Never Did the Fire recensie en informatie

Als het de redactie het boek leest, kun je op deze pagina de recensie en waardering lezen van de roman Never Did the Fire. Het boek is geschreven door Diamela Eltit. Daarnaast zijn hier gegevens van de uitgave en bestelmogelijkheden opgenomen. Bovendien kun je op deze pagina informatie lezen over de inhoud van de roman van de Chileense schrijfster Diamela Eltit.

Diamela Eltit Never Did the Fire Roman uit Chili

Never Did the Fire

  • Schrijfster: Diamela Eltit (Chili)
  • Soort boek: Chileense roman
  • Origineel:  Jamás el fuego nunca (2007)
  • Engelse vertaling: Daniel Hahn
  • Uitgever: Charco Press
  • Verschijnt: 5 april 2022
  • Omvang: 130 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Boekhandel / Bol

Flaptekst van de roman van de Chileense schrijfster Diamela Eltit

Never Did the Fire unfolds in the humdrum of everyday working class existence, making the afterlife of an agitator that of anyone living next door. For one old couple, brought together years ago in an underground cell, the revolution has ended in a small apartment, a grinding job caring for the bodies of the unwell well-to-do, and all the aches and pains that go with a long life and a long marriage. Untethered from the political action that defined them, and mourning the loss of their child, their bonds dissolve, but the consequences of their former life, and their dependence on each other, won’t let them go.

A literary icon in Chile and a major figure in the anti-Pinochet resistance, Diamela Eltit is at the height of her powers in this novel of breakdowns. Never Did the Fire evokes the charged air of Chile’s violent past, and the burdens it carries into the present-day, when the structures we built, and the ones we succumbed to, no longer offer us any comfort or prospect of salvation.

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