Tag archieven: Amerikaanse schrijver

Wallace Stegner – Angle of Repose

Wallace Stegner Angle of Repose recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de Amerikaanse roman uit 1971. Op deze pagina lees je uitgebreide informatie over de roman Angle of Repose van de uit Verenigde Staten afkomstige schrijver Wallace Stegner. Hij ontving er de Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 1972 voor. De Nederlandse vertaling van de roman heet als titel De fundamenten van ons leven.

Wallace Stegner Angle of Repose recensie, review en informatie

  • “De raamvertelling heeft het effect dat het leven van de 91-jarige Susan Ward een rustig en welverdiend einde krijgt, maar dat Stegner dat de lamentabele Lyman beslist niet gunt.” (Wijbren Rijkeboer, Tzum)

Wallace Stegner Angle of Repose

Angle of Repose

  • Auteur: Wallace Stegner (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Amerikaanse roman uit 1971
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Penguin
  • Omvang: 640 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Nederlandse vertaling: De fundamenten van ons leven
  • Waardering redactie∗∗∗∗ (uitstekend)
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Libris

Flaptekst van de roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Wallace Stegner

An iconic novel of the American West — a deeply moving narrative of one family and the traditions of the past.

Lyman Ward is a retired professor of history and author of books about the Western frontier, who returns to his ancestral home of Grass Valley, California, in the Sierra Nevada. Living with a debilitating bone disease, he embarks on a search of monumental proportions, as he strives to rediscover the life of his grandmother – now long dead – who made her own journey to Grass Valley nearly a hundred years earlier. But as he explores his grandmother’s history, Lyman’s great quest also leads him deep into the dark shadows of his own life.

Wallace Stegner (18 February 1909, Lake Mills, Iowa – 13 April Angle of Repose 1971 novel from Wallace Stegner1993, Santa Fe, New Mexico) , was an American novelist, short story writer, environmentalist and historian. He is the author of 30 books including Angle of Repose (1971) and The Spectator Bird (1977). He received a Pulitzer Prize, a US National Book Award, several O. Henry prizes, and the 1980 Robert Kirsch award from the Los Angeles Times for lifetime literary achievements. He died in a car accident in 1993.

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André Aciman – De gentleman uit Peru

André Aciman De gentleman uit Peru recensie en informatie over de inhoud van de nieuwe roman van de in Egypte geboren Amerikaans-Italiaanse schrijver. Op 18 oktober 2024 verschijnt bij Uitgeverij Ambo | Anthos de Nederlandse vertaling van The Gentleman from Peru de roman van André Aciman. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijver en over de uitgave.

André Aciman De gentleman uit Peru recensie en informatie

  • “Er is geen auteur die zó over verlangen kan schrijven als André Aciman.” (Max Porter)
  • “Acimans romans lees je niet, het is eerder dat je er ademloos in opgaat.” (The Times)
  • “Aciman schrijft met zóveel inlevingsvermogen. Schitterend.” (John Boyne)

André Aciman De gentleman uit Peru

De gentleman van Peru

  • Auteur: André Aciman (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Amerikaanse roman
  • Origineel: The Gentleman from Peru (2024)
  • Nederlandse vertaling: Peter Abeelsen
  • Uitgever: Ambo | Anthos
  • Verschijnt: 18 oktober 2024
  • Omvang: 176 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Boekenwereld / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de nieuwe roman van André Aciman

Een groep Amerikaanse studievrienden verblijft in een luxueus hotel aan de zonovergoten Amalfikust. Ze moeten wachten tot hun zeiljacht gerepareerd is en brengen hun dagen in de tussentijd door op het hotelterras, loungend in de lome hitte. Het valt ze op dat er elke avond een mysterieuze oudere man aan de tafel naast hen zit, altijd met een glas wijn, een notitieboekje en een sigaret. Wanneer de groep deze elegante reiziger uitnodigt om samen te lunchen, kunnen ze niet bevroeden waar dat toe zal leiden. De man heeft bijzondere gaven, wijsheden en een ongelooflijk verhaal om met hen te delen, en met een van hen in het bijzonder…

De gentleman uit Peru is een zinnenprikkelende vertelling die rake inzichten invlecht in een liefdesverhaal over spijt, het lot en zielsverwantschap.

André Aciman (2 januari 1951, Alexandrië, Egypte) doceert vergelijkende literatuurwetenschap aan de City University of New York. Hij heeft meerdere romans en memoires geschreven, met als bekendste werk de internationale bestseller Noem me bij jouw naam. Deze roman werd verfilmd met Timothée Chalamet in de hoofdrol.

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Richard Powers – Vrij spel

Richard Powers Vrij spel recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de nieuwe roman van de uit de Verenigde Staten afkomstige schrijver. Op 17 september 2024 verschijnt bij uitgeverij Atlas Contact de Nederlandse vertaling van de nieuwe Amerikaanse roman Playground van Richard Powers. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver, de vertaler en over de uitgave.

Richard Powers Vrij spel recensie

Mochten  er in de media een boekbespreking, review of recensie verschijnen van Vrij spel, de nieuwe roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Richard Powers, dan besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.

Richard Powers Vrij spel

Vrij spel

  • Auteur: Richard Powers (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Amerikaanse roman
  • Origineel: Playground (2024)
  • Nederlandse vertaling: Jelle Noorman
  • Uitgever: Atlas Contact
  • Verschijnt: 17 september 2024
  • Omvang: 464 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Prijs; € 26,99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de nieuwe roman van Richard Powers

Vier dolende zielen komen bijeen op het eiland Makatea, een door de geschiedenis geteisterde stip in de Stille Oceaan waar het volgende grote avontuur van de mensheid wordt voorbereid: de kolonisatie van de zee door middel van drijvende, autonome steden.

De 92-jarige zeebiologe Evie is er om nog één keer met haar geliefde reuzenmantas te duiken. Kunstenares Ina keerde er ooit terug na omzwervingen in Amerika, en probeert nu in rust te creëren. Haar partner Rafi heeft haar daar na jaren als door een wonder teruggevonden. En diens oude studievriend Todd, nu een AI-pionier, is er om de toekomst van de mens veilig te stellen. Maar wat als de eilanders niet mee willen werken?

Hun bedreigde paradijs vormt het decor van een krachtmeting tussen natuur en mens, klimaat en kapitaal, en concrete en virtuele werkelijkheid.

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Claude McKay – Home to Harlem

Claude McKay Home to Harlem recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de roman uit 1928 van de Afro-Amerikaanse schrijver. Op deze pagina lees je uitgebreide informatie over de Harlem Renaissance roman Home to Harlem van de uit Verenigde Staten afkomstige  schrijver Claude McKay. Op dit moment is er geen Nederlandse vertaling verkrijgbaar.

Claude McKay Home to Harlem recensie, review en informatie

  • “One of the most gifted writers of the Harlem Renaissance.” (Washington Post)

Claude McKay Home to Harlem

Home to Harlem

  • Auteur: Claude McKay (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Harlem Renaissance roman uit 1928
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Penguin
  • Omvang; 224 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Waardering redactie: ∗∗∗∗ (uitstekend)
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de roman uit 1928 van Claude McKay

Celebrating the finest works of the Harlem Renaissance, one of the most important Black arts movements in modern history.

‘Why did I want to mix mahself up in a white folk’s war? It ain’t ever was any of black folks’ affair’

When Jake Brown joins the army during the First World War, he is treated more like a slave than a soldier. After deserting his post to escape the racial violence he is facing, Jake travels back home to Harlem. But despite the distance, Jake cannot seem to escape the past and the explosive ways in which it can culminate.

Written with brutal accuracy, Home to Harlem is an extraordinary work, and was the first American bestseller by a Black writer.

Claude McKay was born on 15 September 1890 in Clarendon Parish, Jamaica, and moved to the U.S. in 1912 to study at the Claude McKay Home to Harlem first editon from 1928Tuskgee Institute. In 1928, he published his most famous novel, Home to Harlem, which won the Harmon Gold Award for Literature. He also published two other novels, Banjo and Banana Bottom, as well as a collection of short stories, Gingertown, two autobiographical books, A Long Way from Home and My Green Hills of Jamaica and a work of non-fiction, Harlem: Negro Metropolis. His Selected Poems was published posthumously, and in 1977 he was named the national poet of Jamaica. He died from a heart attack on 22 May 1948 in Chicago, Illinois, aged 57.

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Wallace Thurman – The Blacker the Berry

Wallace Thurman The Blacker the Berry recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de debuutroman uit 1929 van de Afro-Amerikaanse schrijver. Op deze pagina lees je uitgebreide informatie over de Harlem Renaissance roman The Blacker the Berry van de uit Verenigde Staten afkomstige  schrijver Wallace Thurman. Op dit moment is er geen Nederlandse vertaling verkrijgbaar.

Wallace Thurman The Blacker the Berry recensie, review en informatie

  • “The first novel to focus its plot on race prejudice or ‘colorism’ among African Americans…Apart from the vibrant character of Emma Lou, Thurman’s novel presents some of the most layered portrayals of New York City life I’ve ever come across, from seedy employment agency waiting rooms to swank Harlem hot spots.” (Maureen Corrigan, NPR’s Fresh Air)

Wallace Thurman The Blacker the Berry

The Blacker the Berry

  • Auteur: Wallace Thurman (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Harlem Renaissance roman uit 1929
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Penguin
  • Omvang; 192 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Waardering redactie: ∗∗∗∗ (uitstekend)
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de roman uit 1929 van Wallace Thurman

The groundbreaking Harlem Renaissance novel about prejudice within the black community.

Emma Lou Morgan’s skin is black. So black that it’s a source of shame to her not only among the largely white community of her hometown of Boise, Idaho, but also among her lighter-skinned family and friends. Seeking a community where she will be accepted, she leaves home at age eighteen, traveling first to Los Angeles and then to New York City, where in the Harlem of the 1920s she finds a vibrant scene of nightclubs and dance halls and parties and love affairs . . . and, still, rejection by her own race.

One of the most widely read and controversial works of the Harlem Renaissance, and the first novel to openly address prejudice among black Americans and the issue of colorism, The Blacker the Berry is a book of undiminished power about the invidious role of skin color in American society.

Wallace Thurman (16 August 1902, Salt Lake City, Utah – 22 Wallace Thurman The Blacker the Berry first edition form 1929December 1934, New York City) was a Afro-American writer during the Harlem Renaissance. He died at the age of only 32 as reult of tuberculosis, probably caused by alcoholism. He worked as a ghostwriter, a publisher, and editor and wrote novels, plays, and articles. In 1926, he became the editor of The Messenger, a socialist journal addressed to black people and publised stories of Afro-American writer Langston Hughes.

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Langston Hughes – Not Without Laughter

Langston Hughes Not Without Laughter recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de debuutroman uit 1930 van de Afro-Amerikaanse schrijver. Op deze pagina lees je uitgebreide informatie over de Harlem Renaissance roman Not Without Laughter van de uit Verenigde Staten afkomstige  schrijver Langston Hughes. Op dit moment is er geen Nederlandse vertaling verkrijgbaar.

Langston Hughes Not Without Laughter recensie, review en informatie

  • “Hughes gives his readers… a guide for careful consideration of the lives of everyday black people. Such a guide is still useful to readers and writers today. Perhaps now more than ever.” (Angela Flournoy, New York Times)

Langston Hughes Not Without Laughter

Not Without Laughter

  • Auteur: Langston Hughes (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Harlem Renaissance roman uit 1930
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Penguin
  • Omvang; 256 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback / ebook
  • Waardering redactie: ∗∗∗∗ (uitstekend)
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de debuutroman uit 1930 van Langston Hughes

In a poor town in Kansas, an African American family struggles. At its centre sits Sandy Rodgers – a young boy attempting to find purpose amid the chaos, meagreness and music of his surroundings. His narrative intertwines with those of his family – his wandering father, his fervent grandmother, his blues-singing aunt – to create a brilliantly intricate portrait of Black life in the early twentieth century. Not Without Laughter, Langston Hughes’ unforgettable debut novel, is a landmark in the history of a racially divided America and one of the jewels of the Harlem Renaissance.

Langston Hughes (1 February 1901, Joplin, Missouri – 22 May 1967, New York City) was a central figure of the Harlem Renaissance and one of the most influential and acclaimed American Langston Hughes Not Without Laughter first edition form 1930writers of the twentieth century. A renowned poet from a young age, Hughes’ first collection of poetry, The Weary Blues, was published when he was just 24. He would go on to publish more than thirty-five books, including his award-winning debut novel, Not Without Laughter, and the short story collection, The Ways of White Folks. His widely-read journalism and nonfiction became important documents in the support and promotion of the civil rights movement.

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Cebo Campbell – Sky Full of Elephants

Cebo Campbell Sky Full of Elephants recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de roman van de Afro-Amerikaanse schrijver. Op 10 september 2024 verschijnt bij Simon & Schuster de debuutroman van de uit de Verenigde Staten afkomstige schrijver Cebo Campbell. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is niet verkrijgbaar.

Cebo Campbell Sky Full of Elephants recensie, review en informatie

  • “Replete with airline-less airports, sprawling mansions up for grabs, and an Alabaman monarchy, Sky Full of Elephants is a supremely imaginative exploration of family, loss, and the many roads to healing. Cebo Campbell gifts us a vivid odyssey full of possibility, proving that liberation doesn’t reside in the rejection of history, but in our embrace of it. This is a debut that dares us to tap into frequencies of freedom, to view ourselves as what we truly are and always have been: beings full of light worthy of love.” (Mateo Askaripour, author of Black Buck)
  • “A captivating near future fantasy… Campbell’s depiction of their trek across an altered and occasionally nightmarish Southern landscape evokes Cormac McCarthy’s THE ROAD, and he caps the narrative with fascinating revelations about the cause of the event. This stunning allegory will spark much discussion.” (Publishers Weekly)

Cebo Campbell Sky Full of Elephants

Sky Full of Elephants

  • Auteur: Cebo Campbell (Verenigde Staten)
  • Uitgever: Amerikaanse roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Simon & Schuster
  • Verschijnt: 10 september 2024
  • Omvang: 304 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook / luisterboek
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de eerste roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Cebo Campbell

In a world without white people, what does it mean to be Black?

One day, a cataclysmic event occurs: all of the white people in America walk into the nearest body of water. A year later, Charlie Brunton is a Black man living in an entirely new world. Having served time in prison for a wrongful conviction, he’s now a professor of electric and solar power systems at Howard University when he receives a call from someone he wasn’t even sure existed: his daughter Sidney, a nineteen-year-old left behind by her white mother and step-family.

Traumatized by the event, and terrified of the outside world, Sidney has spent a year in isolation in Wisconsin. Desperate for help, she turns to the father she never met, a man she has always resented. Sidney and Charlie meet for the first time as they embark on a journey across a truly “post-racial” America in search for answers. But neither of them are prepared for this new world and how they see themselves in it.

Heading south toward what is now called the Kingdom of Alabama, everything Charlie and Sidney thought they knew about themselves, and the world, will be turned upside down. Brimming with heart and humor, Cebo Campbell’s astonishing debut novel is about the power of community and connection, about healing and self-actualization, and a reckoning with what it means to be Black in America, in both their world and ours.

Cebo Campbell is an author and creative director based in Brooklyn, New York. Winner of the Linda L. Ross Creative Writing Award and the Stories Award for Poetry, Cebo’s work has been featured in numerous publications. Cebo is the cofounder of the award-winning creative agency, Spherical, where he leads a team of creatives in shaping the best hotel brands in the world. Sky Full of Elephants is his debut novel.

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Benjamin Resnick – Next Stop

Benjamin Resnick Next Stop recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de Amerikaanse dystopische roman. Op 17 september 2024 verschijnt bij Avid Reader Press de nieuwe roman van de uit de Verenigde Staten afkomstige schrijver Benjamin Resnick. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver en over de uitgave.

Benjamin Resnick Next Stop recensie, review en informatie

  • “Resnick­’s prose is lucid and moves at a steady clip, nev­er dwelling any­where too long, avoid­ing the kind of teeth-gnash­ing mis­ery one might expect in a nov­el about per­se­cu­tion and eth­nic cleans­ing. For all its futur­is­tic ter­rors, this is real­ly a sto­ry about a fam­i­ly.” (Jewish Book Council)
  • “A striking debut. . . Resnick skillfully uses the raw materials of postapocalyptic fiction and speaks lucidly to his Jewish characters’ legacy of displacement. This timely tale will appeal to fans of speculative fantasies by Michael Chabon and Lavie Tidhar.” (Publishers Weekly)

Benjamin Resnick Next Stop

Next Stop

  • Auteur: Benjamin Resnick (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: dystopische roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Avid Reader Press
  • Verschijnt: 17 september 2024
  • Omvang: 304 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook / luisterboek
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van de eerste roman van Benjamin Resnick

For readers of Leave the World Behind and Exit West, an astonishingly resonant novel that explores the precariousness of Jewish American life through one family after a black hole consumes the State of Israel and similar strange events occur in major cities around the world, ushering in a time of chaos as well as miracles.

When a black hole suddenly consumes Israel and as similar anomalies spread across the globe, a conspiracy takes hold: will the holes swallow the Jews, or will they swallow the earth?

Against a backdrop of antisemitic paranoia, restrictions on Jewish life, and spasms of violence, Ethan and Ella, Jewish citizens of a nameless American city, meet and fall in love. Ella, a photojournalist, documents the changes in daily life, particularly among the city’s Jewish residents. Some Jews, feeling inexplicably drawn to the unusual events, go underground to an abandoned subway system that seems to connect the entire world. Others leave for the south, forming militias and stockpiling weapons. But most, like Ethan, Ella, and her young son Michael, stay and try to make their way amid the hostility and small joys of the ever-changing landscape.

But then thousands of commercial planes are sucked from the sky. Air travel stops. Borders close. Refugees pour into the capital. Eventually all Jews in the city are forced to relocate to the Pale, an area sandwiched between a park and a river. There, under the watchful eye of border guards, drones, and robotic dogs, they form a fragile new society.

Suspenseful, thought-provoking, and brilliantly conceived, Next Stop is an enthralling novel that explores the fault lines between our collective, national, and individual memories and how our deepest bonds can be unexpectedly reshaped in moments of crisis.

Benjamin Resnick is the rabbi of the Pelham Jewish Center in New York. Ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, he lives in Pelham with his family. Next Stop is his first novel.

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Richard Grant – A Race to the Bottom of Crazy

Richard Grant A Race to the Bottom of Crazy recensie, review en informatie boek over de Amerikaanse staat Arizona. Op 17 september 2024 verschijnt bij Simon & Schuster het boek A Race to the Bottom of Crazy, Dispatches from Arizone, van de Amerikaanse journalist en filmmaker Richard Grant. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van het boek, de schrijver en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.

Richard Grant A Race to the Bottom of Crazy recensie, review en informatie

Als er in de media een boekbespreking, recensie of review verschijnt van A Race to the Bottom of Crazy, het boek over Arizona van Richard Grant dan besteden we er hier aandacht aan.

Richard Grant A Race to the Bottom of Crazy

A Race to the Bottom of Crazy

Dispatches from Arizona

  • Auteur: Richard Grant (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: memoir, boek over Arizona
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Simon & Schuster
  • Verschijnt: 17 september 2024
  • Omvang: 320 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Flaptekst van het boek over Arizona van Richard Grant

The bestselling author of Dispatches from Pluto and The Deepest South of All turns his sharp wit and observational powers on the epicenter of America’s most divisive issues: Arizona.

When Richard Grant and his wife moved with their four-year-old daughter back to Tucson, Arizona, where the couple first met, he expected to easily rekindle his love of the region. Instead, he found a housing market gone haywire, rampant election conspiracies, and right-wing political violence alarmingly close to his home and family. Undocumented immigration was surging, and the state was also on the front lines of climate change, breaking heat and drought records, and running out of long-term water supplies. Under these circumstances, Grant wondered how he might raise a happy, well-adjusted child who believes in the future. Yet these concerns weren’t keeping people away: Arizona was simultaneously experiencing some of the nation’s highest population growth.

In A Race to the Bottom of Crazy, Grant mixes memoir, research, and reporting in a quest to understand what makes Arizona such a confounding and irresistible place. He visits the world’s largest machine-gun shoot; takes a sunset boat cruise with a US Congressman and a group of far-right patriots; rides through the desert with a Border Patrol agent; and goes camping with his family in breathtaking mountain ranges that rise out of the desert like islands in the sky. Interspersed with these adventures are recollections of his previous stint in the state, including his friendship with cult writer Charles Bowden and years living off the grid with smugglers, dope farmers, and outlaws on the Mexican border. Ultimately, Grant arrives at the conclusion that Arizona has always been a scattershot improvisation, with bizarre and extreme behavior in its DNA.

This book is an entertaining, illuminating, and essential guide to understanding modern America at its most overheated.

Richard Grant is an author of nonfiction books, a journalist, and a documentary film writer. His last two books, Dispatches from Pluto and The Deepest South of All, were New York Times bestsellers. His previous books include the adventure travel classic God’s Middle Finger: Into the Heart of the Sierra Madre and American Nomads, which was made into an acclaimed BBC documentary with Grant as the writer and star. Currently a contributor to Smithsonian magazine, Grant has published journalism in EsquireThe New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. Originally from London, England, now a US citizen, he has traveled extensively and written books about Mexico and East Africa. After several years of living in a remote farmhouse in the Mississippi Delta, an experience chronicled in the multi-award-winning Dispatches from Pluto, Grant is living in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife and daughter.

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Jesse Ball – The Repeat Room

Jesse Ball The Repeat Room recensie, review en informatie over de nieuwe roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver. Op 24 september 2024 verschijnt bij Catapult de nieuwe roman van de uit de Verenigde Staten afkomstige schrijver Jesse Ball. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de schrijver en de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van de roman is nog niet verschenen of aangekondigd.

Jesse Ball The Repeat Room recensie, review en informatie

  • “A Kafkaesque descent into a legal system . . . The contrast between the first and second halves of Ball’s mesmerizing novel is stark and effective . . . A fast-paced tilt-a-whirl of a social commentary absurdist novel, with insights that will leave readers feeling complicit.” (Shelf Awareness)
  • “The fictional realms Ball constructs are unnerving in their depictions of social and physical austerity, facades behind which emotions roil . . . Ball’s vision is chilling, his writing flawless in this stark, grueling tale.” (Booklist)

Jesse Ball The Repeat Room

The Repeat Room

  • Auteur: Jesse Ball (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: Amerikaanse roman
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever:  Catapult
  • Verschijnt: 24 september 2024
  • Omvang: 256 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook
  • Prijs: $ 27,00 / $ 14,99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol

Flaptekst van de nieuwe roman van de Amerikaanse schrijver Jesse Ball

Franz Kafka meets Yorgos Lanthimos in this provocative new novel from one of America’s most brilliant and distinctive writers.

In a speculative future, Abel, a menial worker, is called to serve in a secretive and fabled jury system. At the heart of this system is the repeat room, where a single juror, selected from hundreds of candidates, is able to inhabit the defendant’s lived experience, to see as if through their eyes.

The case to which Abel is assigned is revealed in the novel’s shocking second act. We receive a record of a boy’s broken and constrained life, a tale that reveals an illicit and passionate psycho-sexual relationship, its end as tragic as the circumstances of its conception.

Artful in its suspense, and sharp in its evocation of a byzantine and cruel bureaucracy, The Repeat Room is an exciting and pointed critique of the nature of knowledge and judgment, and a vivid framing of Ball’s absurd and nihilistic philosophy of love.

Jesse Ball (7 June 1978, Port Jefferson, New York) is an absurdist whose prize-winning work has been translated into more than twenty languages. He is on the faculty of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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