Two Girls, Fat and Thin
- Schrijfster: Mary Gaitskill (Verenigde Staten)
- Soort boek: Amerikaanse roman
- Eerste uitgave: 1991
- Uitgever heruitgave: Penguin Modern Classics
- Verschijnt: 1 april 2021
- Omvang: 320 pagina’s
- Uitgave: Paperback
Recensie en waardering van de roman
- “What makes her scary, and what makes her exciting, is her ability to evoke the hidden life, the life unseen, the life we don’t even know we are living.” (Parul Sehgal, The New York Times)
- “Dark, menacing and original.” (Joanna Briscoe, Guardian)
Flaptekst van de roman uit 1991 van Mary Gaitskill
Dorothy Never – fat – lives alone in New York, eats and works the night shift as a proofreader. Justine Shade – thin – is a freelance journalist who sleeps with unsuitable men. Both are isolated. Both are damaged by their pasts. When Justine interviews Dorothy about her involvement with an infamous and charismatic philosophical guru, the two women are drawn together with an intense magnetism that throws their lives off balance. Mary Gaitskill’s first novel is an intense, darkly funny and caustic portrayal of loneliness and the search for intimacy.
Bijpassende boeken en informatie
Because They Wanted to Die
- Schrijfster: Mary Gaitskill (Verenigde Staten)
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- Inhoud boek: Mary Gaitskill’s coolly compelling, quietly devastating stories explore the messy complexity of relationships between lovers, families and friends. An unsettling encounter on a plane; a tentative affair between an older woman and a younger man; the chasm between a father and his daughter: each expresses our longing for, and our fear of, human connection...lees verder>