Empire Without End
A New History of Britain and the Caribbean
- Auteur: Imaobong Umoren (Engeland)
- Soort boek: Britse geschiedenis
- Taal: Engels
- Uitgever: Fern Press
- Verschijnt: 5 juni 2025
- Omvang: 512 pagina’s
- Uitgave: gebonden boek / ebook / luisterboek
- Prijs: £ 25,00 / £ 13,99 / £ 16,00
- Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris
Imaobong Umoren Empire Without End review, recensie en informatie
Als er in de media een boekbespreking, review of recensie verschijnt van Empire Without End, A New History of Britain and the Caribbean, geschreven door Imaobong Umoren, dan besteden we er op deze pagina aandacht aan.
Flaptekst boek met A New History of Britain and the Caribbean
This book is not just written to enlighten. It is written with the optimism that it may contribute to a willingness to dismantle unsustainable 500-year-old hierarchies. After five long centuries, the roots of colonialism still run deep.
This is a powerful new reckoning with Britain’s imperial legacy, its transformative effects on Britain and the Caribbean and its enduring role in systemic racism today. And it is a call for us all to learn from the challenges and failures of history and to play our part in creating a blueprint for the future.
We cannot change the past. But we can repair the present.
Imaobong Umoren is an associate professor of International History at the London School of Economics where she specialises in histories of racism, women and political thought in the Caribbean, Britain and US in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Empire Without End received the 2020–2021 British Library Eccles Centre and Hay Festival Writer’s Award.