Supporting Act roman van de Zweedse schrijfster Agnes Lidbeck

Agnes Lidbeck – Supporting Act

Agnes Lidbeck Supporting Act recensie, review en informatie over de inhoud van de Zweedse roman. Op 2 juli 2025 verschijnt bij Peirene Press de Engelse vertaling van de roman Finna sig van de uit Zweden afkomstige schijfster Agnes Lidbeck. Hier lees je informatie over de inhoud van de roman, de auteur en over de uitgave. Een Nederlandse vertaling van het boek is niet verkrijgbaar.

Agnes Lidbeck Supporting Act recensie, review en informatie

  • “Sometimes you come across real gems: books that are interesting, well-written, and well- balanced between linguistic style and an engaging story. Rarely, do they come from debut writers. Lidbeck’s debut novel, about women’s roles and self-realization, is an exception.”  (Borås Tidning)
  • “In my years as a literary critic I have rarely come across anything like it. Supporting Act is a sensational debut.” (Expressen)

Agnes Lidbeck Supporting Act

Supporting Act

  • Auteur: Agnes Lidbeck (Zweden)
  • Soort boek: Zweedse roman
  • Origineel: Finna sig (2017)
  • Engelse vertaling: Nichola Samlley
  • Uitgever: Peirene Press
  • Verschijnt: 2 juli 2025
  • Omvang: 192 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: paperback
  • Prijs: £ 12,99
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Libris

Flaptekst van de eerste roman van de Zweedse schrijfster Agnes Lidbeck

The social contract is not negotiated at an individual level. It is a universal set of rules that must be followed for society to function. The contract stipulates that the individual, henceforth known as The Woman, is required to play three roles. The Woman must be a mother. The Woman must be desirable. The Woman must be a caregiver.

When Anna gives birth, she takes on a new role. Everything is centred around her children. As her marriage collapses, she begins an affair with an aging author, only to find herself once again in the role of caregiver. Supporting Act is the study of a woman who lives her life for others, according to the rules.

Agnes Lidbeck was born 15 june 1981 in Sweden. She is one of Sweden’s most prominent and versatile contemporary writers. She made her literary debut with Supporting Act in 2017, which was shortlisted for the Svenska Dagbladet Prize and won the Borås Tidning Debut Novel Prize. She went on to write Förlåten (‘Forgiven’, 2018), Gå förlorad (‘Get Lost’, 2019), Nikes bok (‘Nike’s Book’, 2021) and All min kärlek (‘All my Love’, 2023). Lidbeck also writes for the stage and is known for her sharp, minimalist style.

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