Cynthia Ozick In a Yellow Wood recensie en review

Cynthia Ozick In a Yellow Wood recensie en review

In a Yellow Wood

Selected Stories and Essays

  • Auteur: Cynthia Ozick (Verenigde Staten)
  • Soort boek: verhalen, essays
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitgever: Everyman’s Library
  • Verschijnt: 11 maart 2025
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek
  • Omvang: 712 pagina’s
  • Uitgave: gebonden boek
  • Prijs: $ 40,00
  • Boek bestellen bij: Amazon / Bol / Libris

Cynthia Ozick In a Yellow Wood recensie en review

  • “As an essayist, Ozick is a very good storyteller. Her arguments are plots . . . They twist and turn, digress, slow down and speed up, surprise with sudden illuminations.” (The New York Times Book Review)
  • “If there is such a thing as a literary pantheon in America, then Cynthia Ozick is surely its Athena…. Ozick casts sentences that fairly pulse with the electricity of a highly charged mind.” (The Washington Post)
  • “Ozick’s prose urges the breathless reader along, her love of language rolling excitedly through her sentences like an ocean wave.” (The New York Review of Books)

Flaptekst van het boek met verhalen en essays van Cynthia Ozick